How to SteemIT: A kick ass(anti-Gandhi) guide to become "The good blogger" #00000001

in #steemit7 years ago

If you are one of those who put a picture and a cliche quote from Gandhi as the only thing on your post. You most likely are not making use of your greatest potential. With more and more people coming to the platform and the opportunity to promote our own work, we are starting to get a lot of responsibility for the quality of our own posts. With great power comes great responsibility and that is why we all should strafe for becoming "the good blogger".

So how do we identify if we are "the good blogger" you might ask?

The good blogger: A person that uses her/his understanding and acceptance of skills to create only the best content he or she is capable of in order to gain respect and appreciation.. that AND who reads this whole damn guide without skipping to the headlines

anti gandhi.jpg

The good blogger rule 001: Nobody wants to read about your grandmother!

Quite subjective you might think since it all depends on the people's interests as well as your own. But by drinking the magic elixir mixed with * Self-reflection, clarity and a tiny bit of realism* you will find it unbelievably easy to find out if your post is worth a vote or not.

Before you even start writing a post, make yourself the favour and take a step back(not literally since you probably sit down by the computer), but just imagine the act instead.

Is the topic you chose to write about something, someone else would like to read? would you like to read it if it was made by someone else? That is where you realise it is a big fat red "NO", nobody wants to read about your visit to your grandmother last year... unless something truly spectacular happened like she has been in a wheelchair for 10 years and the moment you stepped through the door she started dancing Salsa with you

Instead, try to look around on the platform you are writing on(Steemit if you should happen to be in doubt) and see, what do people want to read and most of all figure out how do you stand out from the other competitors who write about the same? If you write about travel, what will draw peoples attention to your blog and not the girl next door?

the good blogger rule 002: Make it juicy, nobody wants to eat a dry orange

Making a post juicy is not the same as picking an interesting topic to write about. Because interesting topics can be unbelievably boring if you don't make the interior interesting. This is subjective on so many levels and it is up to you how you decide to find the balance that will keep the reader's attention. But a mixture between good headlines, pictures and text that feels like worth reading, your odds will be in your favour.

Let me ask you a question: if you saw two topics about the EXACT same thing "how to create a facebook picture", what one would you continue to read?

"Okay guys, now when have understood the purpose of social media and approaching step 97, you are now ready to understand how to create your very own profile picture on Facebook. But first, let's take look at this paragraph from Gandhi.."


"Nobody likes facebook, so now on our first step, we will head to this kick-ass website: Here you can ALSO create a profile picture, but it is too damn complicated so don't bother. Instead, let's talk about this conspiracy on how Gandhi might have plotted a murder against Michael jackson.."

hint: if you picked the first one you win

Jokes aside being original in the way you write and write with passion will get you further than write in a way hundreds of others have done. If you write about travel, make it juicy and don't just show a bunch of pictures. Maybe even make the pictures part of the story? tell about the acid in your legs, when you climbed the mountains or your concerns laying alone in your tent in the middle of nowhere. We want to hear your experience and passion, not somebody else.

The good blogger rule 003: Please read what you write.. unless you are blind of course

There's nothing like reading an article that you can see the person wrote with heart and soul into it. Only the find out the damn guy didn't bother to proofread his work just once. Surely many of us non-native English speakers got an excuse and usually, people(including myself) don't require the grammatical part to be 10/10. But it would be nice if the person who wrote the post could just proofread a little bit. No matter if there are a few typos hnestly just make it somewhat readable before exposing it to us.


The good blogger rule 004: To "don't judge the book on its cover" is complete bullshit

Go to your feed or if you dare the trending page of Steemit(dun DUN duuun). Scroll through until you find something you would like to read or at least click on. Now let me ask you did you pick the most generic and horrible looking article you could find? Or did you click on that article with a catchy title and a picture of an absurdly well-taken picture? If you chose the ladder congrats, you now understand the "law of catching the readers attention"

When you make a great article it is all worth nothing unless you manage to convince the readers to press exactly on your post and not the one above or below it. If you forget to make your article look attractive from the outside. Think of it as if you were to go to a job interview, what would you then wear?

Just make sure the title, the first few lines, and your first picture of choice hit the head on the nail. When the people then get into your post they will realize how dead gorgeous your inside are as well. (that truly sounds disgusting though). But you get my point.

You skipped to the headlines, didn't you?

Now you might ask, is that it? are there only four steps for becoming "the good blogger"?

I only have this to say for such a question:

The good blogger: A person that uses her/his understanding and acceptance of skills to create only the best content he or she is capable of in order to gain respect and appreciation.. that AND who reads this whole damn guide without skipping to the headlines

“Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

Better plot twist than The sixth sense


Make Ghandi great again

I was tempted tens of times to just post my articles without proofread, but in all of the cases I passed the strategy. I am also a non-English speaker and I am perfectly aware that my grammar is far from perfect, but when re-reading my post before hitting that final button I always find phrases that can be better rephrased for a deeper meaning, find nonsense that actually don't bring any value to the post and so on.
Over all I can only give my humble upvote and a thumbs up for the post. Definitely worth having on the Steem blockchain for eternity.

I'm 10x more likely to read a post to the end and upvote it if it is a pleasure to read, like your comment here is. Followed.

Thanks for your appreciation.

Thanks for that! Let the article blossom for all eternity! (or at least for 7 days where I can get paid for it). lol.

It is always a good strategy to read your work once more before posting it. I can't express enough how many times I changed something in my articles completely by reading it through.

As a freelancer who has been writing (and translating) for years, I can only agree with every single line here :) Awesome guide @holm. Honestly, I myself sometimes feel a kind of guilty for not producing the best stuff I can here on Steemit because I have been working for some other Steemians too, which often leaves me little time for my own blog. But that´s what it has to be right now if I want to be a full time Steemian. Cannot wait to be an independent writer here one day :)

Well, you certainly commit a lot to all of your constant great comments, which in my opinion just as important as effort into your posts. Especially on Steemit. What is it you are helping with regarding the other steemians? I am curious!

Thank you man :) It means a lot. I spend long hours steeming every single day including weekends and just too few people know that... Others just see short posts with big upvotes on my blog but have no idea how much "invisible" work is actually behind that. Well, it is mostly content creation plus some minor solo curating ;) I am still relatively new (been on Steemit some 9 months) but I love this thing. It is also a great job for a digital nomad like me (and you too now I guess :)))

Yeah man, being on Steemit requires a lot of networking as we have discussed before! Something I have not been too good at myself. So I could learn a bit from you on that part lol

Well said, networking is one of the key things here. And I think you are not that bad at it ;) Btw are you also a pro writer? You have some serious writing skills I can say...

I have never been writing anything before I started on Steemit. I kind of just got the hang of it as I kept writing lol. But thanks for the compliment! haha

I remember feeling so anxious as I typed out my intro a couple of hours ago. This read is definitely going to be my yardstick for my future blog contents. Also, viewing a yet-to-be-posted content through the eyes of future readers is legit good advice. Keep up the good work! ✌

Welcome to Steemit! I am glad you found the post helpful! :)

nice advice for all bloggers. create something unique and original - there are many ways to do it :)

Well said!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about blogging @holm

Looking forward to read more blogs from your page soon

Keep in touch and feel free to visit my page and enjoy the art/music i'm presenting


Nobody wants to read about your grandmother was the kickass line😂😂

A short moment of genius on my part :))

Nice bro, that's the reality but most of the bloggers don't understand that.
In fact, some bloggers even don't want to know about the facts.
That's the main reason why the shit blogger is here.
Really a nice article bro, I just like it.........have a good day.

A shit blogger is merely just a blogger who didn't find his potential, have a good day good sir!

We appreciate your thinking sir.every coin has two aspects but no one try to understand it

Try to say "anti Gandhi guide" fast 10 times

tried. So what?

Try again

tried. So what?

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