Hujan Belum Berhenti (Bilingual)
Rain has not stopped yet
It comes like a gift that is so majestic and
Therefore humans become so lonely. Alienated from you.
Did you see from afar?
Behind the curtains and no time?
Because you have long forgotten
From the frenzied world
Am I sinning? The sky is silent
The rain has not stopped yet
I saw a puddle of water
Engraved my legs
Suddenly I became
on You; an ancient poem where everything begins.
Hujan belum berhenti
Datang seperti sebuah hadiah yang begitu megah dan
Karenanya manusia jadi begitu kesepian. Terasing darimu.
Kaukah yang melihat dari jauh?
Di balik tirai dan nirwaktu?
Sebab kau sudah lama dilupakan
Dari hingar-bingar dunia
Apakah aku berdosa? Langit diam
Hujan belum berhenti
Kulihat genangan air
Membenam kakiku
Tiba-tiba aku jadi
pada-Mu; puisi purba tempat segala bermula.