RE: The Visible-Invisible. - Still On Top Of Google! (PRO 50/50)
"Unfortunately, too many of the people with influence here live inside a little tiny bubble inhabited by blockchainiacs who have close to zero idea of how the remainder of the world operates."
Yeah, it definitely seems like it. I mean, come on...
We have a platform were you can get paid to share content.
That should have been the only pitch you needed to bring in tons of people, but instead of reaching out to the "average users", they continue to target these niche-specific, anti-government types of people who lives in a basement somewhere. No wonder we're not close to a million active users...
- And that's about the Advertising.
I don't know, but it seems like people have very different visions about STEEM in general. It's impossible to work towards massadoption if the people with actual influence does things differently compared to the active users here.
Thank you for a superb comment. :)