How To Handle The "Upvote" Beggars? - One Of My BIGGEST Problems On Steemit. [Feature Request: Make Articles INVISIBLE.]

They are everywhere...
I'm talking about the people who ask you to follow and upvote them. - I've written about this in the past too, but today is the day, when a big change will be done.
At first, I thought about flagging them. All of them. One by one. - Every single time I got a message on Discord, or a comment...
In all honesty, my vote is only worth a few cents but a downvote from me, on a minnow-post would still have effect. - I would be able to reduce their potential rewards by "rewarding" them with downvotes due to their stupid behaviour.
- However, I can't do such things because I'm not a bad person.
Until now, I've been talking with them. I've been trying to discuss things and make them understand why it's a bad approach... - However, I can't do that anymore. - It's a huge waste of my time.
For each day that passes by, Steemit grows... And that's a good thing. We all want that. - But with that, more and more people are starting to send private messages... And that's a bad thing. - A very, very bad thing.
And I'm just a "nobody" on Steemit. I have no idea how I'd react to this behaviour if I were a whale or a dolphin. - I don't envy them at all.
From yesterday until today, I've got 6 messages on Discord and Steem.Chat. - All with the same, lame, boring message.
Upvote me please.
I wouldn't mind messages if people was looking for help or feedback or whatever... - But plain begging messages...

I'm allergic to this nonsense.
Take a look at this...

The very first message I get from this person. - It's a link to their post. Nothing besides that.
I didn't respond to it, and I definitely did not vote on the content...
After approximately 90 minutes, I got another message. From the same person again..
1 upvote please only 1
You can see for yourself. Is that appropriate?
Is that the type of behaviour we want to see, and/or support?

I would love a feature on Steemit that made it possible for users to report this type of behaviour, and ultimately make the posts invisible. Without downvoting/flagging them, as that will hurt their reputation.
Let's say someone are doing this on a regular basis, which I know many people do. - Let's say 10 people report them for a specific url within a time frame of 12 hours or something like that.. - And "poff", their article vanished.
- I would truly love a feature like that.
These people are here to stay, and they've come for the rewards. They are looking for money and they won't stop until they earn. - And to tell you the truth, I don't think they'll stop even if 10 whales upvoted their content. - They would be out there for more. And more... And more...
They would be out there, slowly killing us all with their shitty upvote-requests.
- It's a shame and I feel bad for them.. And for all of you who receives these messages.
I've tried to communicate...

I have tried to tell them why it's a bad thing. I've tried to educate them and explain exactly why it will most likely hurt them if they continue...
This is my reply:

You know this behaviour will most likely get your articles flagged. Especially if you send private messages to several people. If that happens, you'll lose rewards. - I won't flag it because I'm not that type of person, but I don't appreciate people begging for upvotes, so I won't upvote it either. - Consider this as a friendly reminder.
The truth is, I am tired of wasting my time.
Even if the first person I talk with truly understand what I'm telling them..
- Another one pops up a few minutes later again.

That is why...
- I truly want a "make articles invisible" feature on Steemit.
That way, these people will stop... And the behaviour will end.

You are experiencing what it's like to be a girl on social media. "Hey bb. You cute. Talk to me TALK TO ME TALK TO ME"
Haha yeah, I can imagine.. Girls are not the only ones with those problems obviously. :D
This is the proper way to deal with them-
Yeah well.. It's so annoying so you actually would love to slap some of them, at some point... But a better approach would be to educate them.. Without a slap. :D
I been getting a few a day... if they stop begging and focus on great content and building good relationships, maybe they will succeed smh smh
Very true, but the sad truth is that they won't stop. As there's nothing that stops them.
it's like a little kid saying 'mommy! mommy! mommy!' and when mommy pays attention the kids has nothing to say - it just wanted attention. we can't reward bad behavior. there's so much quality here that competes for our time and attention.
exactly! hahaha!
Have experienced this so many times!
It is annoying and a bit irritating. I always think that if your content is of any value , you don't really have to ask for any upvotes. For me, its just the appropriate thing. An upvote is a reward for a job well done. It's an honor and a badge , all rolled in one. Your report card, if anything.
Well said, and I agree with you. However, these people tend to believe they're taking a shortcut to riches by spamming people in private. - And that's something I would love to prevent. It might not be super-big deal right now, but just imagine 6 months from now... Or a year.
Appreciate you. Thnx
I told one it was a bad idea, they replied
"u gotta hustle in life man!"
Wow... That's awful. - This is another clear sign that we totally have to do something to prevent this.
But for us Minnows, the steemchat post promotion is designed specifically for that. My rule is always read everyone's post and determine if it is worth my minnow upvote. If the content is lame, then no upvote. If I like, then so be it. And i've actually connected with a few decent posters that are minnows from the chat. Anyway, peace out!
And that my friend, is exactly how you should do it! - But I'm talking about the people who ignores the basics and spam everyone with private messages, asking for follows and upvotes. - That's the behaviour I can't tolerate.
word up! thanks again.
I have asked for one set of articles to be upvoted by select friends that follow me, as I am doing a fund raiser on my posts about a friends daughter who disappeared just over 8 months ago and was found murdered on the 20th of last month. They are struggling to pay for the funeral. Though a bunch of us have made a big dent with the little bit we have been able to do. That is the only time I have asked for upvotes and to be resteemed and only on fund raisers for others would I even ask, then only my friends I have already, not strangers. How rude can people get. people follow you because they like your content. Or at least I hope that is why they are following me, that is why I am following those I am following
There's nothing wrong with asking for upvotes in the proper channels and definitely not a problem to ask your friends for upvotes. - That's how social media is supposed to work.
We have #minnowsupport on Discord, for minnows who wants upvotes. A bot upvotes whatever article you want, to get you some rewards for your work. We also have #steemspeak on Discord where you'll be able to post your articles in #postpromotion. Then we have Another way to ask for upvotes by posting them in the proper channels. - All these things are great and acceptable in every single way.
Steemit and the community gives you basically every single tool you need, to help you in the best possible way... - But Steemit or the Community can't do everything for you. - You'll need to contribute and provide quality to be rewarded. - And that is the biggest problem for these people. They want the rewards without putting in work.
I totally agree, I have gotten a few like that myself on Steem chat, I haven't had it happen yet on discord. But I am not on that one much, I been too busy taking photos and blogging about them and reading other peoples posts. Upliking the ones I like and resteeming those I think deserve a share.