coffee and chocolate expo 2017 monte casino

in #steemit7 years ago

True life story By Me

But lets start from the beginning so in may a friend gave me 2 tickets to the coffee and chocolate expo man that was the best gift all year.. I wanted to go last year but cos of other obligations I could not go.
So long story short I have had the tickets printed and up on the old fridge for 2 months looking at it every day prepping myself to taste the amazing coffee’s from around the world..
The day arrives I’m up at 5 hit the gym getting pumped for the day.. Ok its time we set off for the worlds best coffee we get to the venue unfortunately we end up going to the incorrect entrance but its all good
we find the closest security lady and she sends us in the direction of the worlds best coffee.
We walk up like VIP’s we have our tickets no need to stop and buy we have a pass to the good stuff in our pocket we get to the door pull out our tickets scan scan we are in!
Now for the good Coffee and Chocolate we walk up to a tent it has big coffee machines that sparkle like its from an amazing place that no man has gon before we walk up to the biggest one its amazing
We turn around and its a compitition 3 guys are competing to make the best coffee start to finish its over in 5min that was cool not what we wanted to see but ok. We look to the side its more coffee and it looks like a market
We head in that direction we walk up to the first stand the man looks at us and asks us do you guys want to try our home made coffee we reply yes please it smells amazing he replies 2 cups on the way as he hands us the cups
He promptly said that’s R15 each, part our own mistake for not asking if we have to pay to try his coffee but we pay the man as it smells amazing! We proceed looking for more coffee and chocolate its a bit crowded in the first section but
We proceed forward ready to concur the next coffee we look around looking for our next caffeine fix but all we can see from our point is food stands and people trying to sell home stuff no coffee but we proceed forward the drive of the
Dream that next amazing coffee.. I see it a big shiny coffee machine we make our way to it NO!!!! Its just another guy selling the machines we look at each other we can see it in each others eye's the last coffee is wearing off we need our fix
We start moving look I say its a line with people they must be in line for coffee we join the line and yes it is coffee at last we buy our next fix not very good made by a big corporation but it will hold us over to the next big one we join the crowd
Looking for chocolate but all we find is more people selling home stuff its starting to feel like a infomercial and we can’t get out look there its a tent we should get coffee and chocolate there zig and we zag we made it we get to the tent they selling drinks
We don’t want drinks we need Coffee we turn around no no no without knowing it we just walked thru the complete show in under a hour with only 2 coffee’s each..

We walk back to the exit feeling empty….

Thank you for taking the time to have a look into a day in my life