Request For Declaration Of Intent From @haejin & @ranchorelaxo!
I am requesting a "Declaration of Intent" from @haejin and @ranchorelaxo. I am appalled by the amount of rewards that these two users are taking from their combined efforts. I as well as lot of other users would love to know why these users are doing this. I don't think I will receive a response but it's worth a try.
Good work @hendrix22 I have resteemed this post, hoping it will help further this cause. Again, thanks for your efforts.
Check out this post. There are other crusaders here:
A destructive Steemit user we need to stand against...
I would be interested on your take.
Thanks for the support, upvote and resteem!!
Your posts are disappearing. I gues censorship is alive and well in here...

It sure is. We need to up our game and get more people flagging the Donkey!
I doubt you will get a response... Additionally he is highly inaccurate and pretty much slams anyone that says anything..
Donkey boy was nice enough to go through and down vote every single posts on my blog that had a payout.. He's a dick, no doubt..
I agree that he is ruining lives as well..
Haejin- 0 for 4 so far since January
Of course his predictions are shit! He's a Donkey and his posts are garbage.
I totally agree with you there.. he is more interested in hyping his own bullshit and raping the platform than doing anything else..
Well said brotha! You are fighting the good fight. ✊🏻
Thanks dude!!
Ive been seeing posts about this haejin guy, but as a newbie i was struggling to understand what was going on. This now tells me everything. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Everytime there is something great there is always someone to bring it down for others. A time to fight it indeed.
I'm glad my video was able to give clarity on the subject for you.
It did. I was seeing the posts written more negative about him, then I saw one that was more positive... but wasnt sure if it was sarcasm or what. Im happy to have seen this video to know what is what. Im resteeming this in hopes that it clarifies a few things to others as well.
It really is a big deal and a big problem! There has been a lot of sarcasm going around as well. This is serious though. Thank you for the resteem
You are welcome and thank you again.
Great job you are doing there bro... deep repect. I am really looking forward wether you gonna get a reply from them however actually can´t see it but we will see
I can't see it either! A response would mean their in it for something other then just draining Steemit lol
right ... in that sense we shouldn´t expect any kind of feedback. However that would also imply that our assumptions about them are in fact correct, hence they are in conclusion abusing steemit only and for nothing but their financial advantage ... with this being said implying they ain´t giving a damn sh*t about steemit at all.
Would be great if they answer so that we may actuall get an discussion one-on-one going.
Maybe they are just here to make themselves as well off financially as possible.
Nothing in STEEM blockchain or steemit restricts or limits there ability to do what they are doing.
So why so surprised that there are bad apples among the mega whales? If it wasn't these two, it would be others. And it will be others in the future.
Maybe you need to reconsider all the limitations and side effects that come with POS cryptos.
There are some obvious advantages to POW. Along with drawbacks there as well.
Totally agree that is their aim. No different than a Wall Street Powerhouse. That is their interest and nothing in the Steemit rules says they can not do this. If they were not someone else will. The law of the land no matter what yu are doing and where you are doing it. You can make yourself crazy chasing them around and they are loopholers looking for a quick way to fame and fortune. They are not going to give it up and really they do not have to. There is no rule to say they can not and if there was a rule, they would find a loop hole. Others will follow them and then others. If the land of steemia is aware of them, then that is all we can do.
You're 100% correct! This will confirm that all accusations are correct! Their plan is to take as much money as possible until they can no longer
That's what I've concluded. They are milking this cow like there's no tomorrow and they don't care if they win or lose as they've already won
I can pretty much give you a letter of intent from them.
Haejin: See, here's how it happened. I had been doing TA in the commodity arena for quite a while with moderate success, then I invested in Bitcoin and some other cryptos and made a ton (I know everyone else did too, but in my case, it was because of TA). Well, I saw an opportunity in the crypto arena because there were a lot of new investors in crypto and they would be more likely to give my TA a shot. So I decided to start small with a blog and a youtube channel. Man did I get lucky with the timing. I started blogging steemit because I liked the idea that I could earn while blogging, plus it was one of the biggest crypto-centric blog site out there filled with my customer base. After a little while, I met Scarlet7 while I was looking for soemone to build my website and run marketing for me. Scarlet was the one who came up with the idea for Rancho. He asked if I had any rich friends that would buy a lot of Steem and upvote me as payment for commissions I had earned. I remembered my old buddy Craig, who you guys know as Rancho.
I called Rancho to convince him to invest in steem. He was reluctant at first, but I told him the same thing I told all my follwers; that Steem was going to $14 and SBD to $22. I had made him some money in the past, so he begrudgingly went with the plan. But he had a condition, a time limit. He is going to pull his money out when the market for Steem tops out or when he gets tired of it.
We knew that we couldn't acknowledge a connection between us, so we waited a while for him to upvote us. When he did, we made sure to send messages to him as if we didn't know him. We even asked him to do a few posts to make him seem more legit. We then waited a few weeks and started having him upvote all of our posts.
It was good for about a week then that pesky marky mark noticed and all hell broke loose. To be honest, we didn't expect it to cause that much of an uproar. I mean sure, we were lined up to make millions, but we weren't upvoting our own stuff, right? I mean we were, but still... Anyways, mark drew the attention of the meanie whale Bernie with his infamous post. At first, I wasn't that concerned. I knew the allegations against me, but I made sure to never mention rancho by name, not to my followers nor accusers. In fact, I don't think I mentioned his name until I had him start downvoting for me. See, I never expected Bernie and his "band of thugs" to actually be able to zero out my posts. Before this, I acted very nonchalant, but when that happened, I was distraught. I mean there went my plan. Anyway, I told all of my followers to join so they could upvote me, but I learned real quick that their upvotes meant nothing, so I started telling them to invest...I used the same spiel that it was going to $14 etc. I forgot to tell them that it would take 13 weeks for them to get their money back, lol woops. Anyway, a lot of them are trying to pull out their money. I've come to realize that I don't really need them anyway. It turns out that Bernie is reluctant to waste all his voting power to bring my posts down and he is unable to garner support from hardly anybody except for a few minnows who I downvote into oblivion. So I guess the joke's on you guys.
So to answer your question, my intent is to ride Rancho's upvote for as long as I can until he decides to pull his money out. Hopefully steem starts to rise a bit as I predicted a few weeks ago (back when it was at like $6 something). That way Rancho might believe me and stick around for the $14 I promised him. Until then, I have to milk it for as many posts as possible.
Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you will. What does this mean? It means it's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.
This is exactly how the letter would look!
Wouldn't it be enough if we all flagged them? As a newbie I have little power, and it is discouraging to find people like them taking advantage of this platform. Aren't there systems in place to prevent this behaviour?
His sheep follow him blindly, even attack people that provide better input. Good luck stopping all those idiots
Yes it sure would be enough! If minnow on Steemit stepped up it would be enough!
Hi @hendrix22, another day, another battle on Steemit.
Yes! Another day another battle!
where are all the good whales? What are they saying and doing about any of this? Who are the whales? How many are there? Do they care? If there were never any filters put into place so that people dont or can't do what they are doing, what is to stop them. Not everyone has ethics. Unfortunately someone will copy them at some point in time, unless of course they kill it for the rest of us. In which case someone will copy Steemit and once again we will rise to the top.
There was a big ninja mine at the start of STEEM. Which is why STEEM is so unevenly distributed.
I have always wondered if someone might not start over, like ZCL is a restart of Z Cash but a more even initial distribution of the coin.
Well I am really new to this, but in my opinion we will see several new things come along in due time.
The big problem with haejin is that his posts do not explicitly constitute abuse. He is not spamming nor plagiarizing.
true .. he will not stop nor anyone like that
I love it sir, and i am very very like this post... I support you because you care about the fate of all the steemians. May God help you and all of us. God bless you sir..
Thank you very much! Something needs to change here!
I strongly agree with your opinion sir,,and I am sure god will help us through the power of whales that exist in this platform
Yes! One day at a time my friend!
He oppresses you, even the gift given #dtube is cleared by him. This is an insult to this platform.