RE: A Real Steemit Success Story & Guide: The Power of Steemit, How it Really CAN Change Your Life! 🤑😍
Hi @clara-andriessen <3 So nice to meet you! I have been really wanting to spend more time over there in our group but I must be putting too much on my plate because I am always running out of time it seems! Need more hours in a day ;)
I totally agree with you though! There are people here that I love and always support their content but sometimes their work goes amiss- now there are ways to upvote them automatically but then I haven't read their work and might not leave them a comment like I am accustomed to... however I am learning quite quickly that these systems were set up in order to help us support eachother knowing we don't have unlimited time. I am still trying to find the balance in all that. The communities are a great place to start, I have met some wonderful people swimming around in them. I hope you find everything you're looking for <3
Thank you! I'm also figuring things out. And still plan on folowwing your tips.