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RE: My Steemit Ad on Reddit has gotten 62,000 Impressions and 36 clicks! $12 a day is money well spent! Thank you for helping me keep this ad going for many days to come!

in #steemit8 years ago

I feel like reddit is exactly the kind of community that would love Steemit. I think other networks' users aren't as engaged as reddit and steemit. Everybody else just browses the FB/twitter apps, but on reddit and steemit you see people who actually want to create content.


we will soon hve "communities" on steemit like reddit has subreddits and it will change things here, like minded people ca hang out around specific topics!! whales can be created just to support specific topics!!!

yeah. I just hope the repost culture that reddit has doesn't come to steemit(although some of it already has come here, but i hope the problem doesn't get exacerbated)