Is Steemit a Boys Game? vs. Kick Ass Ladies of Steemit. GIRL POWER!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Yesterday, my husband @rlamasb made a post about the Top 50 Most Highly Rewarded Posts on Steemit last week, which you can read here if you are interested to see who featured there and what their posts were about.

As I was going through the list, I have to say I was a tiny bit disappointed about the number of men ranking at the top of the page vs. the number of women taking home the biggest payouts from their work. It really got me thinking.... is there a glass ceiling of Steemit?

The top 5 highest paid posts on the list were posts that related to cryptocurrency, so is it just that your average woman lacks the knowledge of cryptocurrency compared to your average man? Do you even need knowledge of cryptocurrency on Steemit to succeed? Is there a bigger population of men on Steemit than women? I have a lot of questions, but not a lot of answers.

However, rather than concentrating on the prevelence of men in the Steemit community, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the kick ass women in the Steemit community, starting with those that I came accross in the data that my husband used in his post, and a couple of others I have come accross exploring Steemit. I am still only 2 weeks into my time here, so I'm sure there are many more amazing female content creators out there!

Kick Ass Women of Steemit

1. @sweetsssj


During the period of June 18th - June 23rd, @sweetsssj had not 1, not 2, but 5 posts in the Top 50 Highest Paid Out posts... making her the author that feautred on there the most, and making that a pretty good week for payouts! She blogs about travelling in style, eating amazing-looking food and photographing herself looking picture perfect, and she also blogs occasionally about cryptocurrency as well. Not to mention, it can't hurt to be able to blog in both Chinese, and English!

2. @heiditravels

I had never come accross heidi's blog until now (I am still in my first 2 weeks of Steemit) but I loved what I saw on her page. She seems to post a lot of videos giving her 'Cryptotips', which for someone new to crypto like myself would be super useful to watch. I think I may have a @heiditravels binge watch session at some point this week. However, she is not limited to talking about only cryptocurrency but also seems to blog about health, travel and posts beautiful photos.

3. @allasyummyfood

Alla has a huge following here on Steemit, for her yummy recipes, and accompanying videos for from her YouTube Channel. However, Alla is so much more than just a foodtuber and Stoodie, she also goes above and beyond to try and add value to the Steemit platform, by posting advice and encouragement to new users, for example with her new video tutorial series designed for new users of the platform.

4. @anahilarski

Another powerful lady with lots of knowledge on crypto is Ana Hilarski, wife of @hilarski. Being from Panama she posts in Spanish, so if you do speak spanish/are learning/would like to learn, I would definitely recommend checking out her blog. Not only does she post about crypto and steemit related topics, but she also posts motivational articles such as how to work on your personal brand, dinners out, and day to day lifestyle topics.

5. @kaylinart

One of the first blogs that I followed here when I arrived on Steemit, @kaylinart posts a lot of lifestyle related advice, which is great if you enjoy titbits of motivational and helpful advice, like 'why you should always be a perfectionist' or 'how to declutter your thinking'. If you are a creative, she also occasionally posts her art, and also snippets of her life as well.

Who are some other of your favourite kick ass women here on Steemit? I am looking for more female Steemians to follow so I can read more great female content!

Looking at how much men are dominating the Steemit world, I definitely feel motivated to work harder to see that change in the future. Firstly, one thing that I plan on doing is trying to educate myself as much as possible on cryptocurrency, so that I can really understand and engage with all of that crypto related content on here.

Secondly, I don't think Steemit does just have to be about crypto alone, as is demonstrated by some of the awesome females we looked at today! I want to support other females on here and discover more great blogs to follow about all topics such as food, lifestyle, health, pets, you name it! I want to encourage my female friends to get on Steemit as well.

What do you guys think are some things we can do to encourage female growth here on Steemit? Please let me know what you think in the comments! What do you men think you can do to empower women and encourage their engagement with the platform?

👭 As always, I love hearing from you guys. Please upvote, follow and resteem if you like this post and want to spread the Girl Power message! 👯


Hannah , you're going to do so well with how attentive you are. Obviously there are some topics we girls are less representative of - crypto being one of them, but then if Steemit is going to appeal to a mainstream crowd we'll need content that normal mainstream people will like to read!

One other girl I hold with the highest esteem is @stellabelle who is such a diverse writer and community builder.

Hey @sweetsssj thank you so much for taking the time to read my post :)

And yes, definitely agree that mainstream content is better for appealing to a wider audience, which is a good thing for Steemit if it is going to grow more and more - your content appeals to so many people and is written in such a great way that I imagine if we get even more girls to be a part of Steemit, your success will be through the roof!

Thanks for recommending me to go look at @stellabelle, I will definitely go and follow her now and read her posts!!

Hope to see you on that list one day @hannahlicious! 🙌 #support

Aww thank you @krypotknightk :) appreciate all the support you give me!!

For sure she will. Just keep up with quality @hannahlicious.

Great week for both of you.

Love your post! I've been thinking about this lately, and I think it's only a matter of time before more women are ranking high on Steemit. It's nice to know there are so many fellow women here in the community to draw support from :)

Thanks so much for reading :) Yeah I hope so, would be nice to see more ladies at the top :)

The girls are rocking steemit, kicking ass and taking names! Great post 👍


Thanks a lot @morkrock, haha wonder woman all the way :)

That is great @hannahlicious, you are absolutely right we need more girl power not only on steemit but also in Crypto in general.
The contributions you are making to this platform are priceless and I am sure you will be on that list very soon.

thank you baby, and thanks for being my supporter :)

Thanks for being a great girl power 💕

I think Steemit is an equal opportunity platform. It does not matter if a person is male or female as long as the person is creative, positive, supportive and bonds with other Steemians.

I agree Steemit is an equal opportunity platform, and anyone regardless of gender can be creative and add value to the platform, just think its interesting that the majority of the top 50 posts were written by men last week, and less than 10 written by women :)
just food for thought, maybe we have been a little bit later to the game than the guys who first got on steemit, or its just that we don't have as many girls who are in to crypto!
I love to read great content regardless of gender, but love to find strong females to look up to as well :)

I agree Hannah. It is good to see girls/ladies participating and making an impact. Thanks for documenting . I hope to grow enough to make it to your list of top men bloggers some day :)

I think numbers like this will be highly skewed at the beginning. we are the early adopters of this technology so many of the members are technically minded and crypto currency is intrinsically linked to this technology. It's still a very interesting debate though. Exciting to see how it all pans out.

Yeah I think you are absolutely right :) But would love to see some bad ass tech geek crypto girls on here doing there thing too haha :)

This post received a 1.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @dontstopmenow! For more information, click here!

Love this!! I am new to steemit and I still have lots of learning to do but My husband is in to crypto so I am learning a little from him. But its nice to have female friends on here I followed you :)

Thanks so much @shauna27 definitely great to meet other girls on here :) going to follow you back now!!