Fun with Flags
Flagging is the least effective way of affecting the rewards pool allocation.

"What is a flag?"
It is actually an upvote... but the other way around ;-)
Much in the same way as you get an upvote, which is by default a 100% vote, you can get a flag, which is a -100% vote.
"Why did someone flag my post?"
There could be many reasons.
Here are just some of them:
- Your post is in a wrong category or you have used wrong tags, or at least the user who flagged your post thinks so.
- Your post is not yours (plagiarism), or at least the user who flagged you thinks so.
- Your post is considered spam, or at least the user who flagged you thinks so.
- Your post is overvalued, or at least the user who flagged you thinks so.
- Your post is undervalued, but the user who flagged you does not know how to upvote.
- Your post is so bad that another user could not resist and flagged you.
- Your post is so good that another user was jealous and flagged you.
- Your post contains photos of cute kittens.
- Your post does not contain photos of cute kittens.
- The user who flagged your post has a secret reason.
- The user who flagged your post does not have any reason.
- The user who flagged you has a bad day.
- The user who flagged you has a good day and loves flagging others.
- The user who flagged you does not like you.
- Nobody likes the user who flagged you.
- Nobody likes you, but the user who flagged you was the only one honest enough to flag you.
- The user who flagged your post is @asshole or just an asshole.
Users do not have to upvote your posts, users do not have to have a reason to upvote your posts. Much in the same way, users do not have to have a reason to flag your post.
"What should I do about it?"
Unless you believe that someone had good reason to flag your post.
In that case, you should change your behavior.
Unless you do not want to.
Then do not.
"You said that flagging is the least effective way of affecting the rewards pool allocation. So what is more effective?"
RTFM for Steem’s sake!
Upvote valuable content.
(*) "Fun with Flags" is an online vodcast featured on The Big Bang Theory which Sheldon Cooper hosts on the subject of vexillology, the study of flags. Picture from the show.
ok i actually died. i love sheldon
It's really the best post for a while. Thanks.
LOL, that explains a lot!
Maybe the problem is that there are people who don't like themselves, but they are flagging other people instead (I think the shrinks call that "projection").
Hmmmmm.... I've never thrown a flag, but it's not because i really like myself, i just care for others. Good insight though. No matter what happens around them, some will always be negative it seems. Thanks!
You have to love yourself first in order to love others. Anything else is dominance or submission masquerading as love.
:))) indeed!
Pretty good analysis.
My new saying is that Steemit is the Wild West. Get used to being attacked by flag bandits. Some of the bandits see themselves as Robin Hood robbing for the greater good. Some punish the naughty. And some just rob for the fun of it.
There's no Sherriff in town. There's no court to get justice.
If you want to live in the Wild West Steemland then put aside the idea that life should be fair and you will be more content.
I’ve always followed my father’s advice: he told me, first to always keep my word and second, to never insult anybody unintentionally. If I insult you, you can be goddamn sure I intend to. And, third, he told me not to go around looking for trouble.
Wayne, John
I was going to flag this, but I'm new, so I got confused and upvoted instead.
It happens.
Really funny.
flagged for no cute kittens... now I could get behind that LOL
I first laughed when I remembered that episode and then I thought O goodness something else that can happen to me - if Steemit is not already scaring me enough and since I am new so scared I do something wrong...but thanks for the update - I like the reasons - a lot like life - not everybody can like you and it is not your problem
Nice one @gtg, you make flag look like nothing making fun out of it COOL

you make me feel sorry for those who are flaggeing without a reson