Steemit community !!! My job…..

in #steemit9 years ago

Hello Steemers, how is life?

Today I wanted to tell what is my job as IT-specialist, in general, one day with IT-specialist))). Morning rainy today, woke up, said goodbye to son, he was lying and watched something on the phone))):

Then I went to the office:

My boss sent me to one of the objects, I went there, there they video surveillance was failed (as always). I have rummaged in the video recorder there was all right. Then it was necessary to climb on a roof:

to the video camera (too high ) :

the connector from the camera pulled out and inserted into place and voila! Works!)):

Though I guessed, that because of it didn't work. I know from experience that it often happens, nobody knows why it occurs, strange …) So, go further, also they have not worked telephony mini Automatic Switching Center, in accounts department there was a noise in phone) went down in server found a cross connect boxing, is such a thing:

I rummaged in it and fix this error, as two fingers to the asphalt. Uhhh What the old server they have:

All right, having finished here I went to other object, there just was a check of systems of Video surveillance and fire and security system.Here I finished quickly, went back to the office and there already working hours came to the end, day flew by very quickly when you works time just flies)). That's how I spent that day. See you friends, good to you !!!

By the way, verification:


Pro Tip from a dad. Dont give your kid a smartphone at this age!

ok bro! )))

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