Goldmoney and Steemit
Goldmoney has demonstrated that gold has ascended as money throughout civilizations. The irrefutable science and 6000 years of history that govern this rare element validate its function as sound money:
For similar reasons, we believe in the fundamental concept of Steemit and viability of the Steem blockchain.
Our model to understand value is based on the inputs used to produce using energy, time, labor, and information.
For value to be exchanged, it requires cooperation and trust amongst individuals in a free market. These inputs and this cooperation is mirrored in the quality content creation and through the subjective value stake-weighted voting that fuels Steemit.
Co-operation, consensus and community are crucial in understanding money. Without cooperation, money would be useless.
Value generated from a community like on Steemit is amplified versus what could be achieved by individuals. We could unleash the secrets of the universe in a particular blog post, but this benefits no one if we as the authors are reading it to ourselves.
Steemit looks to its community to form consensus as to which content adds the most value.
Value, like money, is subjective. Value could be something as small as a smile or a laugh to brighten our day, or an epiphany from reading deep historical knowledge like “The Science Behind Gold!”
Together we agree on what has value with our “upvotes”. With time, consistent value is added to grow our network and distributed through the power of the blockchain. Each Steemian, as individual creators, understand their individual impact but realise that it is the cooperation and contribution of thousands of individuals that fuels the growth and prosperity of the platform.
We see the parallels between gold and valuable content creation Steemit.
The scarcity of gold limits our resources to mine it over time, but rewards us by preserving purchasing power of all things in the economy.
Using our individual time-scarcity, we work to increase our influence, reach, and Steem power here on Steemit.
This is why we believe so strongly in the future of Steemit. We know from our research that through work and creativity, humans arrive at solutions that enhance our lives. Sometimes these solutions come from centuries old wisdom that just needed to be unearthed from ancient civilizations.
Sometimes the solutions are still in beta.
Goldmoney recognizes value when we see it.
This is why we decided to join Steemit.
Steem on!
Image source: Google images
For the latest analysis and interpretation of the precious metal markets, be sure to subscribe to Goldmoney Insights.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not reflect those of Goldmoney, unless expressly stated. The article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute either Goldmoney or the author(s) providing you with legal, financial, tax, investment, or accounting advice. You should not act or rely on any information contained in the article without first seeking independent professional advice. Care has been taken to ensure that the information in the article is reliable; however, Goldmoney does not represent that it is accurate, complete, up-to-date and/or to be taken as an indication of future results and it should not be relied upon as such. Goldmoney will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage, or inconvenience caused as a result of any information or opinion contained in this article and any action taken as a result of the opinions and information contained in this article is at your own risk.
A very good description of Steemit and the value that is generated through collective thoughts and ideas! Value is what we agree is valuable!
It is impressive the changes that can be made through cooperation @goldmoney-inc! You want a different reality? then just create one.
Thank you for your thoughts @jbcoin! We agree!
Right on point!
Thanks for your support @thedamus!
Glad to see you and enjoy the goldmoney team.l especially enjoy the newsletters sent to my inbox!
We appreciate your support! Happy to see you using the Goldmoney card @tbnfl4sun
Keep the conversation going.
Much gold. Such wow!
You are a man of wisdom and you have just said right words @goldmoney-inc and i believe with a block chain like this on steemit, steemit will become great in the cryptocurrency market.
"We see the parallels between gold and valuable content creation Steemit."
Is very obvious now
2nd pick is very perfect for me ,because i am mechanical engineer.
It's great to have people who truly understand the concept of sound money onboard with STEEM. Having you here and believing in this project is big validation for what we're all doing here
Thank you! We are excited for the future of Steemit !
I'm sumon(Bangladeshi)
I wish to work with you Steemit
I follow you, you too
I upvote you, please you too
You voted me
Inshallah I will return you
every day of your daily voting
Trust me
Please joni our FB group:..
Thank you