Steemit's Driving me Crazy!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


So I had a feeling I was hooked on Steemit but lately it's been confirmed. In the four months I've been on here I've been a posting fool!

4700+ posts in about 4 months. If my math is correct that's an average of 2000 posts a month! 😛

The last week or so when I can't get on Steemit it really bothers me. I pace back and forth, I get sweaty and irritable..almost like a drug I'm addicted to Steemit!


I was curled up on the floor earlier today rocking back and forth when my wife came home from work. She asked me if I was OK and the only words I could mumble were "DDoS attack" and "Steemit"

She made me some soup and gently talked me back up to the table. That's when I noticed Steemit's back online!


Everything is good again in my world!!!

I hope there's a fix for this because I don't want to keep living this way. If anyone has any more insight as to why this keeps happening I'd love to hear it?

Free Steemit,




4,700 posts in 4 months = 2000 posts per month


Your math skillz are almost as funny as your posts! 😜

I feel ya! My wife is getting annoyed by my Steemit addiction 😀

Well if she kicks you out you can come stay with me. But once my wife kicks us out were gonna be screwed..

This offer stands at my residence as well. Full Disclosure my wife also can banish us, but I have a garage with a refrigerator in it.

I have a severe addiction to this and youtube. It is impossible for me to keep up with so much so I end up just lying under the table thats right under the table crying and just holding my laptop tight to me for warmth and comfort. Usually, I pull through after 7 or 9 hours of just saying so much content so much content repeatedly. Then I am usually asked where large amounts of money have gone while trying not to point at a large Apmex or other such dealer box on the floor near me. I am sure there is a cure, but I like living the Silver Life! Great post brother just like usual!

I am equally addicted, and intrigued about all this down time it is driving me nuts also

We should form a Steemit support group for blog addicts. We can make some really bad coffee and talk about our feelings

Thats a good idea and if these issues with the site keep happening we will for sure need it

There's no turning back once you get a hit of steem crack.

Haha exactly Ray

they need to clean up all this ddos shit, stop playing around with SMTs for a few days and get everything 100% again // no excuses

I agree with that. To attract new ppl Steemit cannot be down for days leading to weeks. Gotta protect our investment before we try other things that will just fail if the site isn't working properly

My wife is enjoying having my cuddles all to herself while my coins are still in transit.
I have a special display box prepared for when they arrive.
I've angled it so she can still see the TV.

That's nice of u Matt haha. I hope u show your coins and case, I'd be interested to see that. Cheers

If you feel you are addicted, then you can schedule time to make it constructive. Draw up a list of what you think makes you addicted and how it is unhealthy, then in the other column, write what changes would make each point healthier.

If you're prone to having an addictive personality, then Steemit is better than drugs or Facebook lol

I do a lot of EFT (tapping therapy), that could help you too. Figuring out why it's an addiction and then making it constructive will be altogether better.

Instead of getting lost on social media for hours at a time, I spend my time on Steemit. Of course, I don't come here every day the same way, I post maybe once a day at least, but some days I post 4 times, some days I just post, I don't read. It really depends. If I dedicate time to something, I dedicate that allocated time specifically. I don't set a schedule that won't budge, it's more like "today I'm working on this project, today I'm need to spend some time on Steemit, today I need to not go in SWTOR because I need to finish these transcripts..." That sort of thing.

Steemit allows you to make some income, and it's more than I typically make seeing as I'm a writer working on my projects with a burnout and I don't work a slave job. But I ahve to dedicate my time to my projects too. I spend one of my 3 months on ehre so far a bit obsessive about it and didn't skip a single day and when I got sick, I slacked a bit and realised that I don't need to dedicate too much time every single day here. If I do what makes me feel good and allocate time here, then it doesn't overwhelm me, I have my dedicated time, and it doesn't get out of hand.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Hope my tips can help :)

This is the longest comment I've ever recieved, there's no prize for that but I do appreciate it :)
I need to get a job soon and then I'll have less time to "waste" being on here. Not that it's a waste I'm having fun..just a time kill and i could do with less. Thx for stopping by!

Np ;) As long as you're aware of the changes you need to make to live a healthier life, you're on the right track.

Hilarious! and so true!

Feeling the same way man, you can try some of those other sites to navigate the blockchain as they say in the lingo. I use when steemit is down and I need my fix.