Ball Like Me..

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Not trying to brag or nothin but I'm banging out level (45) now. I rose up real quick and I got 186 motherfu kin ppl following me round.


I'm basically a whale now and when I click on ppls stuff to upvote them, them bitches get 2 cents a click!

I got over $30 total account value but I'm trying to be humble about it


I stay diversified too ..u can't put all your eggs in one basket u know so I got 5.093 steem dollars with 2.061 in my savings.
Keep that shit split real nice!

I even had a couple steem dollars that I did something to and they went somewhere??


But forget that ..what you probably want to know is, what's my success? do I get posts that go pretty much viral every time I drop?!

Last one netted me like 9 cents, thank you I'll take it!


Building an empire

I need to figure out how to get my cat off my avatar on my phone?.. You're jealous but don't be

Have a great weekend



This post totally made me laugh.
I love the: my upvote is worth $0.02
now to figure out how to get the cat of my avatar.


Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. Latest Blog

I'm trying to build, my Upvote Power, to a nice round number, like 7 cent.

Sounds right lol

I'm more like a Beached Whale.

Thats some funny shit my friend. Cant wait to get a 100% upvote from you. You just got 100% upvote from @raybrockman, thanks to @raybrockman.

Oooh that feels good. I'm making powerful friends! haha ..Keep ballin @raybrockman

Level 45, dang you gettin' there boiiiiiiiiiii.

Cream rises to the top. Then that gets sucked off first right? Where do I come up with this shit? My apologies :)

Hey that not fair how come you hit level 45 and I'm still at 44. What cheat code did you use 🤣 Anyway up vote for you and keep your post coming. Don't slack off now or the 🐋 will swim by you.

I'm just so cool I moved up quick I think? Lol

9 cents you making a killin!!! haha oh, upvoted it

Thank u for Bonnie McAwesome 😎

Yo ya we we G. See you be hippen to hop stop in the big double dimes.... right on ...give me five... not pents ( we call pennies pents in my curb block stoop spot) ..give me 5 knuckles cause your wichy wickity winnery cool woo woo dude'n. I be like following to see you next big think and bink post...keep it up make my world explode in a go way that bring more love to my inner soul

I applaud your energy

You're the JAY-Z of Steemit!

Haha yeah I'll take it