20 SBD GIVEAWAY COMPETITION!!! What is your favorite obscure Crypto and why?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

So here's the thing. Steemit competitions are always put across to be for the benefit of the community, and in a lot of cases that is true. Anything that requires a bit of talent, hard work and creativity is always welcome.

Unfortunately a large amount of these competitions are blatantly just for the sake of buying followers and upvotes when in many cases the value of post itself far exceeds the prize and people are supposed to be grateful for there generous deed...A competition like that has no substance and is just dishonest.

So I will be honest! This "competition" or"giveaway" is not me helping out the community.

I am not doing it because I have gained 180 followers and I am super duper thankful for that!

It's because i'm looking for tips on potentially obscure coins / ICO'S with a strong development team/community/idea/goal.

So here are the rules of what I require for entry.

  1. Resteem, Follow and Upvote! (Don't worry I wont flood your homepage with crap and yes this is me taking advantage of you)
  2. Make your case to me why you think "insert crypto" is an innovative idea that will withstand the test of time.
  3. Provide links and do not make just make lambo or moon statements without some sort of logic to back it up.
  4. As for what I consider obscure, outside the top 50 on coinmarketcap would be a bare minimum but you can always chance your luck.

I will spend the weekend researching each and every crypto submitted and announce the winner at 12:00pm UTC on August 1st.

Seems fair I pay 2 prizes sooooooooooooooooo 15 SBD for first and 5 SBD for second :)

Sorry guys slight delay. Will announce winner in 12 hours :)


INSaNE in the brain

insane not even in top 100 LOLZ - i got some free during giveaways - was up to .18 btc - not bad for free shit

it is holding its value fairly well - stayed pretty even during last 'red day'


my next fav is xrp (but thats at #3 - so not really an under dog like insn)

Literally just got 3000 xrp lmao so kudos for that!

Well for sure I have never ever ever heard of that coin hehe

Thanks for the tip!

whoops haha

lol you already know about everybody's entries!

What about Ark? That is my #2 coin behind Dash. It's innovative but as of now there isn't really any working smartbridges so who's to say whether it will last the test of time or not.

  • Their main feature is smartbridges - joining two separate blockchains together
  • They're working on integrating 10+ different programming languages, so more people will feel comfortable working with it
  • They are staged to have software released for Ledger hardware sometime in the near future
  • For people that have a little bit of idle money, the DPOS can get you daily rewards. (I've been buying for a while, but I'm getting almost $3 a day in rewards from my delegate)


I did say obscure and avoid the top 50 on coinmarketcap for a reason hehe

Nope never heard of Ark so great entry :)

I appreciate you did exactly as asked !!

Quite busy atm so will be tomorrow before I have a chance to look into Ark in detail. thanks!!

Yes! Maybe I can persuade you to come to the Ark Side!

Upvoted and resteemed.

Winner winner chicken dinner :) 15sbd on the way!

I will do a write up tomorrow explaining why I think ark could be a great investment. You found a nice one their :P

I'm very new to cryptocurrency, so by me writing and explaining stuffs would only make me look like a fool, but I know that I'm not stupid at least :D

These videos sold me totaly on EOS

Please tell me if I'm missing something, because this seem to get a bright future pretty soon.

You really only need to watch the first one video, but listening to everything from the developer is probably not the best thing to do, so I added a few more that I have been watching.

(first one, this is the one I'm suggesting that you see.)

(the rest :))

I'm planning to buy some pretty soon, if I'm missing something, please tell me so I don't burn myself a little bit. :)

I'm familiar with both those videos and EOS so unfortunately won't do for the competition. EOS is super mainsteam.

No reason I cant give you my opinion on it all the same. I think it is a good investment mainly because I buy into whole bigger picture of it. I am invested in both steem and bitshares which will both benefit greatly from EOS.

Also don't worry m8, not knowing something does not make anyone stupid. Anything is easy if you know how :)

Thanks for the answer gnimeets, I'm glad that you didn't stop me from investing in it :D

The only cryptocurrency that I got at the moment are Steem ones :) My plan is to get a little bit of Eth, EOS, and maybe litecoin. But I'm most hyped about EOS.

I'm probably not gonna save anything in bitcoins, do you think that is a bad or good idea?

Honestly ETH is not for me. I never really got behind the craze because of the constant hacks etc...
I think a great alternative to ETH is Antshares/NEO (its quantum proof)you should look into it if you havn't.

Litecoin is great. No complaints but I do not know where it is going in the short term. If I had to choose(and I did) it's down.
Not saving in Bitcoin is a fine option because as bitcoin rises it carries with it all other crypto which does indeed compound your profits. Also compounds your loss's though. But I am of the same mind as you.I don't hold BTC longterm

Thanks again for your opinion, I'm gonna check out Antshares/NEO , It seem to me that I can go on with EOS, and read a bit more on the other cryptos before I do anything to regret ^^

I really appreciate when someone tells me what they think! :)
Better to be wrong than sorry!

Better late than pregnant ^^

Great competition gnimeets. I will try to get an entry in before close but just in case I don't have time. Resteemed and upvoted. I like this competition.


Thanks mate :)

I will invest some money in the ICO " STOX" a blockchain platform for predictive markets. The initial supply of currency begins on August 2 , I'm sure it will be a very good investment , I recommend it to you :-) @gnimeets

I will for sure look into it. Thanks :)

Well if you are looking for super non-mainstream then how about you look into what's going on with Chaincoin, Lindacoin, etc. Go look at http://chaincoinhodlers.com/ or watch the videos by @zedomax on youtube or other social media. It's super risky though and it's very different from investing in any other coins. Don't blame me - You asked!

Does that qualify? :)

I know all about the chaincoin movement. Friend of mine made quite a bit with it. The way the whole situation was handled before the dump was ridiculous. When all you hear about is the money that can be made without anyone telling you why(I know it has maternodes) then that is an instant red flag.

I do my best to avoid such investments.

It would have qualified if I didnt know about it all the same. Would not have won though haha

Will decide the winner's on whether I would actually make an investment in it.

Your free to try again :P

Vertcoin (VTC) - doing atomic swaps w LTC

Thanks for the tip but i'm reasonably familiar with vertcoin also. Spend a stupid amount of time reading ^^

Bit of a sales pitch if you want to try again would be nice :)

Lol, nah I'm good. My vote goes to @rxhector

Who said this is a democracy??


Duly noted :)

Nice I like me some competition. I'd go for NIMIQ. Currently traded as NET i believe (don't confuse with NETcoin!). I bought it in the ICO and did so because it is the first crypto that is browser based. This really is removing a lot of barriers for entry man. Look at their site https://nimiq.com/ or better yet listen to the podcast that is on ICO alert. Ill resteem your post for ya now and have ofc upvoted. Anything else you need for this competition?

Hi Attalis :)

We keep running into each other hehe.

Great entry. I know little to nothing about NIMIQ so that should be an interesting read. Lowering the barrier for entry is always a priority!

Nothing else for the comp bud, now just wait for August first :)

Surely with the suggestions around here I am going to win! Hehehe. On a side note, consider checking Bitquence as well: https://www.bitquence.com
Their product can be amazing and I invested in them during the ICO. It will also be a product that helps to lower the barrier to entry. The feature i love is that by a single allocation, begineers are able to take a position in x amount of cryptos if they want. their token BQX is used for liquidity purposes like XRP. Have fun checking it out and let me know what you think!

Winner winner chicken dinner :) 5sbd on the way :)

Wil do a post tomorrow explaining why I decided to make a "small" investment in nimiq.

This post received a 3.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @gnimeets! For more information, click here!

I bet my money on SIA COIN beacuse of its storage applications and superior cost to other similar ideas on the markets. + Sia coin will only cost you a few cents :D

Sorry mate Siacoin is quite mainstream :)

Keep trying ;)