Steemit Upvotes For Tipping in Real Life
Imagine there's a QR code in the back of a taxi. You scan it with your phone, and it takes you to the driver's Steemit post, which he created specifically for collecting upvotes as tips that week.
The ride was pleasant, so you upvote his post and drop a few words of thanks in the comments. Your tip is registered instantly and without fees.
Could upvotes on the Steemit blockchain be the future of real life tipping? Could we see this scenario play out in restaurants and hotels? What about for street buskers?
One advantage for tipping with upvotes is that the tip isn't coming directly from the tipper's wallet -- upvotes merely tell the blockchain who should receive newly minted coins.
But if your vote power happens to be running low, you can still tip by transferring Steem or Steem Dollars directly from your wallet. One QR code can provide three forms of tipping, with no fees, on a single platform.
Also, because upvote strength is tied to the amount of Steem Power a person possesses, a "fair" amount can be tipped regardless of the tipper's wealth -- whether you're a starving student or a corporate lawyer, giving a 100% upvote has a similar sentiment.
After using Steemit for a few weeks, I've begun to feel the urge to upvote people in real life. If they were already on Steemit, instead of Facebook, this would be possible today.
Can you imagine a future like this?
Image credit for taxi photo
It is a good idea. It would be great if it will be build on STEEM, but there will other token platforms that will allow that.
yea it would be a crypto way of saying thank you for your service
What a great idea. It's like tipping someone for their action in real life. When the Steem blockchain grows and grows and more users join who knows what might happen. This thing is world wide.
I can't wait till I can tip for my beer, with crypto! haha ;)
Hey this is a pretty sweet idea, I like where your head is at. Not only would you get to upvote and write some comments but you'd be introduced to their social profile / blog. I don't know about you, but I've met some pretty interesting taxi drivers in the past and would enjoy learning more about them and maybe learning more about their city. Then what would have been a few dollars tip becomes a longer term way to support that person via steemit. Essentially it's a social tip :)
Steem has a lot of potential, donation and charity is certainly amongst them. In the past my posts have enabled to raise donations and help make a difference in the real world!
this idea is FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!
hahaha so true, I can totally see that system being implemented in the now too distant future. "I've begun to feel the urge to upvote people in real life" that is just awesome!
Right? When I visit YouTube and give a thumbs up to my fav creators, I feel so useless.
That feeling has crept into RL!
ya i knwo what u ean! But heres my solution! ALWAYS leave a COMMENT on Youtbe OR facebook and twotter telng people to come join and leave a link to your profile like say "Look howmuch ive made just in a fw onths on steemit! Over a quarter of a million dollars! and tell em to singup and make money tehre but make it sound genuine,
Man i would loveto gfet an upvote on my recent post i already posted this to u but the link and request were at bottom of a sup rlong post and u might not read it
just ALWAYS leave the lnk and link to YOIR steemit profile n every comment you leave! just make it like your signature! THAt way you WONT be wasting time! It WILL bring you followers evetually! Then u wont fel useless making comments n non steemit platforms!
I always do tis on EVERY facebook or instagram ppst i make and i oNLY post on instagram or faceok (instagram postrs drectly to FB and twtter tumblr) IS BECAUSE I make STEEMItrelated posts!!!!!
haha ya youtube will need a crypto crrency like steem and a wwhole steem system too compete wit us!
Butyeah man thank u SO much for looking over my recent blog, and giving me a chance for some uppvotes! i upvotd ALL yur ppsts AND im upvoting all ur comments butthere always so related to what ive been justthinking aboutthat i always have to repkyto you! u thiink what i think ANYWAY we are gonna be REALLY going places!!
it was not oo long ago when I had more steempower than you! and i belieeved in you cu of your name and it was so bold, and yoru comments were from a personality I could see was bound to do well here
AYWAY ma, I have had a lot of self controol NOT being envious of you, but i do gootta admit, i do wondder how I can jumpstart my own steeit accont to get as much money as u, i mean u starteed at like a few weeks ago ad u pt like $30,000 in right? was that the only investment u put in right and the rest as all been froom price of steem going up and curation and comments right?
I am starting to wish I could have as uch as you!
Maybe I should put all my poloniex into steemt hmm wekk ill jst start doing all steempower posts I think! yes
I just love this platform and seeiing the 4 africans @tj4real and @mcsamm and @ortigas100 and @xpency all getting ovr $1000 off a post, all from thejohalfiles and i think im repeating msyelf now! i am overwhelmed
i am reallly ovrwhelmed and i just wana mae sure i get ur ttention to plead for ur upvote so i can make the most of my recent posts i feel i been lagging
haha but ya i cant IMAGIEN how it REALLy feels to have 200 Grand its reallly cool cua i reemmber when u jsut had barely not even 100 in yoru steemit!
man did u put more money in from pooniex? or did u just earn this all from curations and comments al after that first 30,000 u put i dwas that all u needed to jumpstart and snowball from 30,000 tto 200,000??? Thanks for readng man ima go rest now SORRY for the long messages!
thats freaking genius.....
Very good idea and this is one of the platform of steemit and it has lot more to explore like the one you have mentioned to engage people and businesses.
When I saw the @darthnava fundraiser, I knew this was a game-changing platform. Even if bitcoin's original vision came true (digital cash, micropayments, etc.) it doesn't have the giving culture embedded in Steemit's code.
Bro! you are living in 2030 haha, I am now following you.
Let's get that down to early-2018!! xD
Yeah seriously, you aint lying future man haha
You could do a mystery shopper scenario where one person gets delegated 1,000,000 SP and goes around upvoting exceptional grocery store employees!
This actually gave me the idea to do Steemit treasure hunting xd Find something and you get a 100% upvote from a whale!
Upvotes for gifts and prizes is a cool idea. If you don't have a whale, you could get a pool of users to chip in.
yes gifts an prozes and a steemit STORE is what we need on next hardfork or whenever we can build a special section withinveryones profiles wherethey can make a post that has somethingf or sale and enable a smart contract that letsthem sell items that they can use escrow with or something or verify venders who sell items intehir stores, it could alllow steemit to replace ebay or amazon one day!
Bro i am so happy for you! I remember just DAYS ago it seems you put $30,000 into steemit i remember SEEING those poloniex transfers on your wallet history and reassuring you that you made th right decision!
You fucking turned that 30,000 into 100,000 so fast and then now you have $200,000 has that been from investing more?? or diid you earn all this from posts and curation rewards?!?! people are all asking me how i make so muc money and I am now asking YOU how YOUVE gottenthis much! as tat steempowerrealy what ignited you off intoo makig touands and thouands of bucks?
hey man can u text me or call mee one day? I wwont bother u i just would really love to talk maybe just teleram or whatever im [email protected] and as u know my numbers public here cuz its all good never have problms, steemietrs are all cool (and i can always block spam etc) , 619 302 0398 PLEASE text me mani have some cool things planned i could tell u about anu are in aposition to REALLLy help a lot fopeopel WHIL making alot of money for yourself! just help me promote these steemit africa posts my @tj4real lke you have BEEN doing but ASO @xpency this guy who just showed steemit to 2000 people in nnigeria at a school lecture confrence thing and hes a steemit soldier now gooig out and he says hes gon bring steemit to all 200 states in nigeria and they already have programs where they go and visit all the rural areas, now they can actualy use steemit to help SO many people AND it will bring steemits user base up, SO much it will amke al of us money too
imagine when nigeria exports its oil and diamonds for steem!
I've been adding steem from the exchange. Wish I could post more. The income looks insane rn!
I will help you out when I can.
Oh yeah man you are already doing enough! you and @thejohalfiles man, especially johal u realize most of the $1000 posts for the 4 africans ive been promoting are from him! his upvotes re over $1000 at fulpower its so cool but i mean thats what u get wen u have 3 million dollars in steemppower! Im so hapy hes actualy using it to basicaly help people who actually need it the VERy most!
And u also helped @tj4real and me and @xpency see that their hard work can pay off and they REALLy post high wuality and now have over $1000 on a single post! AND even and @ortigas100 and @mcsamm each got $1000 on a post thanks to johal! Johal wont be giving oit full power upvotes like that to everyone but i dont want him to get swampd by selfish greedy newbs and greedy peopel who just want money for nothing....he only posts high wuality or when peopel seem to really need it! BUT sadly its only a matter of time before before people like Johal AND you get FLOODED by selfih greedy peopel just wanting ffree money who dont unerstand how this all works, who sem to be in autopilot greed mode where they copy and paste stuff and have pre written responses and messages and dont actualy leav comments or interactbut just post and yeah LUCKILY tho I HAVE seen people LIKE that actually CHANGE into better people! some refuse to stop posting copypasta and bad copiues of news from OTHER sites that simpply hurts steemiit and floods it with spam garbage BUT even t hose people start tp see how noone wnats tp upvote their short and lazy posts so they startto realize they need to create ore substance and actyally ad value
my message to steemit newbs is u cant just repost youtube videos and COindesk articles! eve if its bitcoin related its NO excuse for this copy paste bullshit whereu expect to get paid off posting someone elses article and acting like ur helping steemiters stay informed NO ur not ading any value and it make sme mad, this guy in particlar does tthat shit and whatever he just said its his "style" and he :does care" if the posts dont make a smuch oney haha dude thats just ego talking
i will try to be first to admitto MY ego but ey i also shouldnt get mad at Newsb but that guy is no newb and his strategy and many others us SATURATIONposting where they can actualy be NOT lazy enough to take the time to type out a long quality post so they just post every few minuets some bitcoin related news story without adding ANY of their own text just a headline and a picture TAKEN from a fuckin or cointelegraph article! and they think they are doing good my accumulating a few dollar a day by spamming steemit basicaly and its just sad, i dunno i try to cinvibce that guy to stop efore i un follow him but i will just have to unfollow him if he keeps doing it
i dont wanna unfollow or take away upvptes from anyone but some peopel cant just run amok here, they CAn but they should be shown that we have too much at steake to ake this place lame just cuz they wanna be lazy ....
I guess its ok peopel can Mute AND peopel can flag and we have steemcleaners and cheetah but ssorry to get offon this rant hahaha fuck hahaha anyay THANK u so much bro for ur sport of steemit africqa! LOOk they are all at the frontpage TOP #1 stories on or just click #africa and look #1 on the page!

sorry for the rant and i didnt wanna name the gu i am mad at
You are a grate man. Standing ovation to you. Glad to knowing you. Hoping none of us disappoints u with such post.thanks again
Yeah exactly! Would be pretty cool :D
btw do you work in a grocery store?
I work for the store pharmacy which is a separate company, but I do work inside the store and have to listen to the shitty repetitive music. Luckily the player was broken today, so it was just blissful.
I would definitely get the mystery shopper to hit the pharmacy and maybe complain about the music too.