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RE: The HF19 Maximum Curation Rewards Strategy!

in #steemit8 years ago

Auto upvotes means that an upvote will be given from my account without me reading the content of the author which doesn't sound good to me. This wasn't the purpose of creating such community. Setting auto upvotes will discourage new people here and their quality content will not earn them good rewards.


Yes I would very much prefer a system of all manual upvoting also which was my inspiration in writing this post! Auto upvoters work so well that currently manual curation is being limited in value both in the rewards and the ability to have the author receive greater readership from upvotes. If every post by some authors is upvoted $100 or more automatically, the threshold becomes very high for new authors to get noticed! Even with only about 200 people having more Steem Power than me, my vote full strength at $8 is not nearly enough to make a difference in the face of automatic curation. The despair often comes before the breakthrough!

I used auto upvote in the past. I choose good authors and always read their posts later when I had time. I live in the western Canada and there is no other way to vote around 30 th minute. I get good rewards, support favorite authors and enjoyed posts. I just want to point out that is not so black and white. It's complex system. On a long run, it will level out. Cream always come on top. And guys with bigger SP will always get more rewards. That's the design of the steemit.

And that's the right way to give upvotes to someone, after reading their content, not just blindly and assuming that content would be good of bla bla author!

It's just one of the ways to give an upvote. It's not against the rules. That was my point. Can you tell me what is good content or good author?

I guess I misread your comment earlier, I thought just the opposite thing but that wasn't the case.
Well bro, if you are using auto upvoting, that's okay and perfectly fine. To me, it's not what we should do and I gave my point of view here. There is no reason to fight what is right and what is wrong, everyone's approach is different, so adopt one you are satisfied with.
Stay blessed!

I agree with you and I don't use auto voting at the moment. You misread twice already ( read the first sentence in my first comment). So, who's the one not reading the content here? Cheers.

Didn't misread the second time, you looked like a person who was in favor of auto upvoting, so that's why I said "that's okay and perfectly fine"
Have a good day!

I'm with you! This whole post gives me a sick feeling in my stomach.

Yup, though everyone here is free to share their opinion and we should respect their opinions, however, its up to us whether to agree or disagree and I strongly disagree with this auto upvoting thing.

I feel like I did not really understand the issue until reading this post. Now I don't know what to think.

You don't have an opinion if you use a bot for your votes :(

i agreed with you, steemit should tight discipline, reward should goes only original reader. There should be a bots, who check auto upvote without reading content, and should discourage. Such activity should be plagiarism of reader.

I do not think so ... you can give the manual upvote without reading also...
I read the post ... and I have no doubt that I read the posts of Jerry even if I put an auto upvote
and not only read the post but also read the comments...and it can not be denied that the comments of many evidences that they did not read anything even if they give the manual upvote
to those who decide to give my auto upvote will be to the people that I follow habitually as I do with jerrybanfield

Ever heard of platform called Patreon? You can pledge to support content creator for every video they make and it's automatic. I haven't ever seen people complain about it.

The truth is our time is limited. I can't be reading 10's of lengthy articles a day or even more if I try to find "valuable content". I rather try to maximize my SP income, support authors I know are of value to the community and use small votes when I actually have time to spent here to support newcomers.

Curating is only a job to select few here.