Steemit Has Done What Other Social Media Could Not Do
I loved social media and I still do love them because they help me connect with loved ones, friends, colleagues and relations. It also helps us to meet new people and connect with people.
I joined Facebook in the year 2006 because I wanted to be with my friends and relations even when they are absent. I loved facebook, I wanted to be with those I loved. When twitter arrived, I joined around 2009 and started tweeting. I never liked twitter in any way. Soon other media came out which includes Instagram, Snapchat, Esskimi and a whole lot of them.
Where Did Other Social Media Get It Wrong
Although people loved them and used them a lot, these social media also had a way of targeting users with ads to gain a lot of data on profiles as well. They were only giving us a medium to hangout and thereby ripping a whole lot of people with their high data usage. These social media were selling our data and information to make themselves rich and yet they left us unturned.
Then Steemit Came
Steemit came with a whole lot of bombs to blow of these social media. Steemit gave the first shocker, which was a reward system, then another shocker which was NO ADS, then more which came from a decentralized community. Steemit came with something more than a hangout room, steemit came as a community that is not separated by borders or oceans. Steemit brought education; yes, steemit has helped a lot of people learn a lot of things from cryptocurrency to science, philosophy and so on. Rewarding quality content is the bomb and giving people the avenue to give something is the most amazing.
I can categorically say it that steemit has proven to be a game changer both on the blockchain and in the social media industry.

Thanks to @elyaque for my first badge

Steemit is redefining social media, power back to the content creator, not the platform owner!
Exactly, Steemit is a complete change to social media
Steemit is going to put smile on many people faces this christmas. Thanks for this.
That's true. Steemit has done a lot of good to Nigerians
Steemit always the best, steemit can't be compare to facebook or other social media.
Comparing steemit to other social media,is like comparing servant or messenger with manager, the spelling almost look alike but the difference is clear
There was a time when your reward for sticking on FB all day was likes, pokes, and free cows on Farmville
Lol, That's true indeed.
Steemit is a social media platform that give a direct rewards for passion.... I love it, steemit is the bomb
nice talk gbenga
A big difference between Steemit and the other popular social media sites - Steemit makes you smarter.
Really smart. It is a place to learn
Exactly. Great post @gbenga 👍 . Over time more folks will see the shallowness of the social media titans in contrast to Steemit.
Well said.
I love steemit. I believe steemit is rising to be grater than other social media communities.
Steemit gives us the opportunity to exchange values and also adds values to its users.
Thanks for sharing @gbenga
No need likes
Now what i want most is votes
Steemit change people's life. While facebook change Zack life and rob people's identity.