Just Shit-posting

in #steemit7 years ago


What is it with this submitting story's and articles bullshit in steem like it's fucking life magazine or some shit. Imma bout to break this shit down for you. We need shit posting and random crap to laugh and over and create new danke memes so we bond and become a proper community where I can say whatever I want and get downboated to hell if that's what u want to do. This shit that's currently set up is never gonna go platinum. Block chain is there for a reason, lets use it to the full extent, or God love me I will have to go to 4 Chan and that place is so seedy it just makes me feel icky. We know your not all clarinet playing professional rocket scientists. Your just some douche on a computer or most likely your phone so cut the shit steemers. Let's start a proper discussion. For example how do you wipe your ass? No really I wanna know. I wanna know that more then what crypto is doing. More then how some Facebook type shitpost of a guy with an owl in his fucking arm. If I don't see some proper content to pass around and dick about with to cheer up my day then I might aswell fire up Facebook or go look at some shit blog. There is a reason Reddit "used to" work. We have a chance to make that great online community again. And yet we have these magazine style articles that can seriously suck dick. What is this a Christianity forum? The fuck! Cummon steemit your better then that. Let's fucking party!!!!