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RE: Thinking About Uploading Vlogs On YouTube Again.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

You should.

Sure those aren't all individual accounts but bots are just part of the internet landscape.

For sure, it just is what it is, saying there's X amount of accounts just includes the idea that some are bots. (If bots weren't a thing, we'd just be used to the idea of 500K accounts being more meaningful.)

For starters the sign up process needs to be instant. I see that the team os hard at work and they have actually allowed a paid option for sign up. That's good but most new users will run away at the sight of having to pay for an account.


I wonder if I'd recommend Steem to people more often if it wasn't for this.

I don't want to have to deal with "..oh I'm on a waiting list" etc etc confusion and keep ensuring them it will all workout. Like I still do sometimes but I'm sure I'd try to fire people up more if they could just sign up, boom.

I don't know how all the coding and whatnot works, but I wonder if there's a way where they can have an "account" but it doesn't interact with the blockchain yet. Like here they are, and they start interacting with the website, and then when the account is approved they can actually impact the blockchain and get rewards.

I dunno. I don't know if that would even be better or just more chaotic.