Is Steemit good for you? - How this website has changed me.

in #steemit9 years ago

I wanted to make a post about the positive impact Steemit is having on me, and hopefully generate a discussion...

These are things that other social media hasn't done for me, and to be honest I've been a little surprised. Fristly by the positive impact the website has had, and secondly by the amount that my behaviour is motivated by money!

I must have been spending too muhc time on other crappy sites because I appear to have written the rest of the post in list form... so apologies to fellow clickbait haters, but here are 5 ways Steemit has changed me (number 3 probably won't make your head explode, and number 4 almost certainly won't turn you in to a self-loathing, hate-filled bitch):

1) I'm writing for the first time in years.

I used to do a fair amount of writing, and I hadn't really realised how much I've missed it. I really enjoy it! I'm not the only one either, I've seen several users say that's Steemit has prompted them to take up writing (photography, cooking etc.) again.

2) It's making me engage with my surroundings in a different way

I'm now constantly looking for cool things in my environment which I can share on Steemit. Taking more photos, going out busking in town, and just generally paying more attention!

3) I've engaged with a new philosophy and learnt a lot about it.

I'd never really paid any attention to anarcho-capitalism before coming to this site, but I've spent quite a bit of time reading up on it since, and while I can't say I subscribe to it, I now have a much better grasp of these arguments for it.

4) It's given me the motivation to learn more about different cryptocurrencies.

I've had some BTC for a while, but Steemit has made me pay more attention to alts - I've now got some Steem and ETH too.

5) Lastly, I've made a few hundred dollars.

And who doesn't like to be rewarded for hard work? I'm going to keep the money in the website for now because I believe it's got real potential to take off (particularly if minnow rewards are adjusted - see more on this here:

How has Steemit affected you? Has it been positive or negative?

Follow me @freewill


I totally agree with everything you said. I'm the same way (even if I don't actually write as much on here, it's gotten me to write more in general).

About your last point on the money. My thing is that you are getting paid to do things you would already do. It's like getting paid to hang out with people you like. I'll do that any day of the week and twice on Sunday!

Thanks Brandon... keep writing!

Agree with all the points. And especially that money is the last paragraph.

Lastly, I've made a few hundred dollars

STEEMIT gives more than just money.

Thanks! A few hundred isn't to be sniffed at, but it's the other benefits I've got from coming here that make me come back. I do wonder though, if one of my early posts hadn't made a decent chunk of change, whether I would have come back?

Absolutely positive. Even if I don't get a cent for certain posts I feel rewarded!

I feel the same, but writing this made me remember a phenomenon which might mean that after a while the opposite occurs. I wrote a blog post about it here that you might like.

wow, thanks so much @asuran! I've followed you : )

Not at all, thanks for sharing it!