The Whaleshares Blue Report Show #12 With @FreedomExists - 7PM EST and 11PM UTC

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Good evening to all you Whaleshares people out there I hope this post finds you well. It has been an unbelievable 24 hours and it feels great to say that the much heralded Whaleshares platform has now launched. From now and until the 1st September we are in the pre-launch period, which allows members of the community who have been loyal and made a valuable contribution to the community over the past year to become one of the founding members. We've got an incredible show for you guys tonight. But before I talk to you about it I want to thank everyone who came to last week's show, and also thank my main contributors @seveaux and @intelliguy.

The Whaleshares Blue Report is a show built around the Whaleshares community. It has a number of different segments and it's a show that aims to give you guys lots of important, engaging and entertaining things regarding Whaleshares and crypto. We hope the show will serve as a useful vehicle in onboarding people to the new Whaleshares platform. For all those that attend the show you will receive some Whalecoins.

The News With @PowerPics

As always to start the show we'll be having a news update from @powerpics. He will be running through the most common questions that have been raised so far regarding the launch of Whaleshares and the related registration and claims process questions. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask away!

Coffee n' Crypto with @Chiefmappster

Next it's another crytpo discussion with @Chiefmappster. He'll be exploring whether the price of a community coin matters in crypto communities? How does it affect the community when the price is low? And the price is high? What are the best strategies for a community to survive and thrive through price fluctuations?

Music Man @Seveaux

We've got another music session coming up with @seveaux. He will be bringing with him a guest called @jonmagnusson, a folk singer with an interesting story. He has created original songs and also instrumentals, and for this he went to a professional studio. The topic @seveaux wants to look at today will be about the costs of music production versus the income. Lots of artists struggle, yet Jon seems to promote his music very well. Since a lot of musicians fail to be successful with their self-promotion @seveaux will have a talk with Jon and learn some tricks.

In Conversation With.... @buttcoins

Yes you read that name correctly, we have @buttcoins on the show tonight. Many call him Butty or in the Spanish commuity he also known as Paco the Taco. He lives in Guatemala with two kids and his English wife. He moved there in 2010 and bought land and built a Hostel on the shores of Lake Atitlan - a volcanic crater lake. He enjoys travel and seeks a creative life. For @buttcoins the blockchain was originally about exploring investment avenues and then turned into a world wide web of creative connections. One of my goals for the blockchain is to provide what he is currently calling the GuateMaya Crypto Tour. It's a two week immersive excursion to several of the main sites in Guatemala, as well as some of the hidden gems all payable in several forms of Crypto. Wow!

The Last Ever Community Curation - Where You're the Judge

In tonight's show the Community Curation segment, aka the 'Cruel Curation' session, will be the last one ever! Something new is on the way and I will touch upon it during the show. However, for one last time I will ask audience members to come forward and present one of their posts. Last week @crystalhuman, @crystalpacheco30, @thatsweeneyguy and @kotturinn were brave enough to present their posts. As usual I will ask the rest of the audience to rate the presenter's post, asking you guys to give the post a grade between A-F. However, as I always say please remember judge unto others as you would wish to be judged yourself! The presenter who gets the highest scores wins 15 Whalecoins.

My new token Whalecoin has launched


I'm so honoured to be a part of this special episode!

Looking forward to meeting you dude!

The Last Ever Crazy Curation ?!

Well, in that case...

Ah ha ha ha! The perfect grade!