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RE: How to Bring the Elusive Engagement: The Case for Groups and Communities in Steemit and a Better Separation of Content

in #steemit8 years ago

Separating ourselves has led here, better we get to know each other as we feel confident in our willingness to reach out.
If we sequester ourselves hope for improvement dies a little.


Even with group functionality, Steem will be very open platform where users are constantly exposed to different topics. I don't think trending-page should disappear, so seeing what other users are doing will only a one click away.

And because Steem is a public blockchain, groups won't be secret societies. They will be open for everybody to read and follow.

If you don't like groups, how would you solve the "too much noise" problem? Users are already seeing too many posts so that many good ones will be forgotten immediately, or even not seen at all. Good writers don't get the attention they deserve. It discourages new users because they can't get any followers. Without groups, it will be very hard to get any upvotes or comments in the future because there is just too much content.

Subscribing is your first group, hashtags your second, muting your third, how many walls do you need to isolate yourself sufficiently?

I don't like the ideas of communities. It was the first nail in the coffin of Google Plus. I expect it to happen here but I don't have to like it.

How did the groups made Google Plus worse? I stopped using Plus mostly because my friends weren't there. Also I didn't like the UI.

In Facebook groups are one of the best features. It's easy to find like-minded people and discuss stuff that I really care about.

And a question for you too: If you don't like groups, how would you solve the "too much noise" problem? Users are already seeing too many posts so that many good ones will be forgotten immediately, or even not seen at all. Good writers don't get the attention they deserve. It discourages new users because they can't get any followers. Without groups, it will be very hard to get any upvotes or comments in the future because there is just too much content.

I've never been on g+ and fedbook carded me in '12, then locked me out of my account of 7 years, soooo, they can jump in a lake, afaic.

I don't see any problem with 'noise'.
You get to build your first group by subscribing.
Do you subscribe too many authors you don't like?

Hashtags are groups, did you not find yours?

Groups are going to happen, it is just a damn shame in my book, those people will never have a chance to stumble upon the message that could solve their most pressing issues because they would rather escape into cat videos and forget for a little while that their apathy is murdering children worldwide.

I disagree. I think being exposed to content one does not care about makes Steemit less attractive.

I'm sure it does, but to only allow ideas that conform with ideas you already have is to be set up.
How are you going to know if you are wrong if all you hear are sycophants?

I do support you in your attempt, but I hope they don't do that.

Most people are on the internet and social media sites to have a good time, not in search for the holy grail of Truth.

All the better to slap them with it,....

No. Exposing people to content they don't care about is being a dick. People can look for content, it shouldn't be shoved down their throats.

Also, people who preach the "Truth" are usually wrong and/or lying, which is why I avoid them like the plague.

I totally agree, but I don't need walls to control my behavior, if I don't like it I just change the channel.

You don't, but some others may want them. Maybe even the majority. If you force different people into the same community, they will get into fights.

This is why it's a good idea to separate people into their own separate communities.

Everybody wins.

People will self segregate, we need to bring us more together, though, if we eliminate rule by force, it won't matter.
As long as rule by force is the norm, separation perpetuates the brutality.

You live in this cotton candy fairytale land, where people can be "brought together". They can't. There are too many factors involved that make people and cultures different that trying to "bring them together" will just lead into conflict. Look at the mass immigration into Europe as a recent example.

The 60s are over, the hippies were wrong and you people need to let it go.

Let people separate from the people they don't, and never will, like, and that is a step towards peace.

Most people are annoying anyway.

Wow, where do I start with that?
If we don't learn to live together, cooperatively, death and brutality win.
You live in a dystopic nightmare that I read as fantasy as a child.

The people think what they are led to think.

There was no 'mass immigration', those folks were bombed from their perfectly comfortable lives by miserable psychopaths that currently engineer the consent.

I've already agreed that folks will self segregate, there is a mute function if you need another level of that, but to cut folks off into smaller herds is to make them easier prey to ideas they have no idea even exist.

If we don't learn to live together, cooperatively, death and brutality win. If we are all forced into the same community that's when you run into the conflicts.

(Here)We can't be forced into the same community, we can be walled off from it, though.

You chose what to read, from the titles you choose which posts interest you, of those you choose which to comment, and vote, you have been forced to do nothing, but pass on titles that repel you.
If those titles get to be too much you can mute their authors.

But, by creating groups you build walls to keep out ideas that don't agree with your confirmation bias.
This is exactly what led to those folks being bombed out of their good thing, and into your difficult situation.

Those of us that have read history are doomed to watching those who haven't repeat the mistakes of yesterday.

I'm sorry, but I don't know what to tell you.

exactly. There's a reason humans evolved from tribes.