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RE: Depressing

in #steemit9 years ago

the site is still in beta so of course it'll seem a bit off right now as there is only so many users and they might not be interested in your work (or mine) most users at the moment are bloggers themselves and are busy with their own pieces or already have a bunch of followers and friends within the community . The more users we get on the site the broader scope of interests they will bring so it will be easier to find our audiences in time.

But getting mad or depressed because you didn't get the attention you feel you deserve is pretty lame, who cares what others make? maybe they use others sites to get attention on their pieces and network better than others, Not accepting the site is still in beta and still under development is lame, not realising that with so few users at this point means it is a much more selective audience at the moment than say FB, reddit or twitter is lame, and not helping to bring a wider audience is definitely lame.

some bots are great some are leaches, but even the leaches (just voting commenting for $) can still help get more attention to a piece.

not a fan of boo hoo pieces, so I didn't vote on this. In fact I was pretty close to downvoting it



Sorry but a one word reply is beyond lame.

What's even more lame is I upvoted my one word comment and I'll do that for this one too