Steemit Notifications - Browser Extension - Download now!

in #steemit9 years ago

Download the Steemit browser extension for Google Chrome in order to show notifications when people interact with your posts and comments!

So what happened in the past days? So few days ago I was making a post that I created a browser extension that is adding the missing notification feature to What followed was unexpected. Quite a lot of people were digging it and the feedback was overwhelming. I felt like I didn't do the people justice with my extension because it was hacked together in a short amount of time and I didnt spent much time testing it. Additionally it was built on the crossplatform browser extension framework from crossrider which turned out to not to be very trustworthy.

So I redid the whole thing and improved it on all ends. I rewrote the code completely and made a native extension for Google Chrome. Chrome was the first browser to begin with because no one of the testers requested the Firefox extension. The result can be seen in the picture above.

Tell me how to get started already!

  • install the extension from the link below (if you have firefox/safari keep reading)
  • once the notification icon pops up enter your username and set the timer how often the extension should update
  • never miss when @wang comments on one of your posts :)

Download link:

Is that it? Will there be further developments? Yes. While waiting for Chrome to list the extension I spent a lot of time improving it even more. In a few days the extension will come to Firefox browsers as well, I'am just waiting for Firefox 48 to be released due to it's notification api which will happen in the beginning of August. Safari will follow after the FF version is live. Please anyone in the comments confirm me that people are still using the Safari browser..

Until then I should also be done with the version I am currently working on, I thought it would be neat to have the notifications in a more facebook kind of style... which will be included in the next release.

This is the list view for when only a few new events happened.

Other current ideas to be added:

  • ship horn when one of the whales (top 250 from the richlist) is upvoting/commenting your article
  • notification when someone mentions your name like: @fleuri
  • your idea? -> just leave a suggestion!

Thanks to all the people who tested the extension or offered support! If anyone experiences any bugs or has feedback please leave it to me in this post. The sourcecode can be seen if you follow the link above. You can install it directly from the sourcecode or you go the way via the chrome webstore - both are identical. This extension will never ask for your password or private keys in any way - if you ever notice that or someone is creating a copy cat extension please report it immidiately!


Please add a feature to allow changing of the Steem API server as I can't guarantee that the [default API]( can survive all the load people are putting on it.

hey @xeroc , thanks for the feedback! i will add this right away.

thanks for information

Please explain why you are abusing the flagging system and also please remove your flag on my post and stop abusing the flagging system.

You may find larger account holders start flagging you back and ruin your Steemit reputation and remove funds from your post due to your abuse of the flagging system. Currently this is the only method we have to stop flagging abusers.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my post praising Dan that you've flagged. Thank you for your cooperation.

I'm a little concerned about user knowledge of security when I see nothing but positive comments here. fleuri might be a perfectly ok guy but I would not trust any third-party browser extensions for Steemit whatsoever. Accounts are worth enough that it's a bad idea.

exactly what i just tried to address on . maybe you should have mentioned that i just wrote this on there.. asking how to make it more secure for people. if anyone here can provide a way how to properly get the extension verified/signed and make sure it represents exactly the code given on github that would be sweet and i would love to incorporate it.

until then everyone can also stress my feature request on the steemit github:
so that the developers are pushing this harder. obviously this is a highly requested feature. which is why people are keen on it. anyway iam happy if we figure out a way how to make the whole process more secure and i'd be even more happy if @dan @ned and the rest of the team integrates notifications natively into the platform.

Thank u 4 the great approach.
as 4 security concerns of @pfunk, what r they? read-only access 2 publicly accessible data? give me a bake.
as long as u don't pass private data, u r on the safe

Just download the code from github and run it as an unpackaged chrome plugin in dev mode....

It's happened! thank for making this idea a live!

you are welcome..

Great idea dude! Props to you!

the idea isnt so good i think it really is an obviously missing feature to steemit

Ship horn would be funny :D

or custom sound

very nice

thanks! if you have any requests or additions please let me know :)

Yes!!! notifications......

hmm turns out no one loves me =(

how come?

mainly because I post sarcastic comments online

Hi @fleuri,

This is super cool and useful! I use several browsers at once, chromes for work stuff, firefox for social media and safari for banking etc..

Do you have a roadmap for a firefox extension ?

Either way I just tested the extension I can happily say it works 100% !


yes, as written above it will go live as soon as firefox 48 is getting onto the release channel. that should be on the second of august from all what i know.. until then i hope to finish and test the new layout that i presented above in the post. i will send you another reply once the ff version is live as well. dont want to make a post for every new update

Good deal man ! Thanks and have a penny :)

this goes directly into the beer fund!

Then have another! LOL