Aku Selalu Memperhatikan dan menanti Kamu/ always pay attention and wait for you

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hari terus mengejar waktu

Pucuk Ilalang kini telah hilang

Pelepah kurma silih berganti dan terus meninggi

Begitu pula pelepah pohon kelapa tak kusadari telah berbuah

Pucuk-pucuk pepohon telah berubah menjadi ranting-ranting dan berdaun hijau serta menguning dan berguguran

Entah berapa lama pergantian masa

Dari kita sama-sama berseragam merah putih, putih biru,hingga kita berseragam putih abu-abu

Kita selalu berangkat sekolah bersama-sama, dan yang selalu ku kenang saat kau sering membonceng pada sepeda

untaku ketika kita berseragam putih biru

Benih itu.................. terus tumbuh, hingga kita berseragam putih abu-abu, bicaramu,candamu, senyum dan manjamu


Namun bibir ini terus terkatup untuk menyatakan I love you, hingga kini kita terpisah pada perguruan Tinggi yang berbeda.

always pay attention and wait for you
fityan (40) in steemit • 2 minutes ago

Day keeps chasing time

Ilalang shoots have now disappeared

The midribs of dates change and continue to rise

Likewise, the palm fronds I didn't realize were fruitful

The tops of the trees have turned into twigs and green leaves and turn yellow and fall

I don't know how long the period will change

From us both in red and white, blue and white, until we are in white and gray uniforms

We always go to school together, and what I always remember when you often ride on a bicycle

my camel when we are in white blue uniform

The seeds .................. continue to grow, until we are in white and gray uniforms, your speech, your jokes, your smile and your curiosity

oooh .............

But this lips continue to be closed to declare I love you, until now we are separated from different colleges.