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RE: The Peter Principle, Ortega y Gasset and the Self-Determination of Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Thank you ... it is all pretty new but I have just looked at what matters in a business. The whale people, whoever they are have got shit for brains! I bet they have never run a company before - any of them. I might do a case study on it.
I hope you aren't a whale ...sorry if you are
Where are the serious people in the different subjects?
I don't mean serious but the people who can write an original piece of prose.
Any directions would be great.
Thanks for resteem - i guess that means you sent it back out. Thanks anyway


I have over 1200 followers, so you reached more people. ;) I'm not a whale, my votes give $0.03 hehe. Directions for someone who can write? I don't get what you're asking.

if you have 1200 people following you , you have about a third of the whole thing watching you! I guess I found a rich seam first up with you then! I just guess I will fool around with different subjects and see what I find. It looks like there is a lot of serious crap being suggested - so I shall try to find a way to sift the good from the bad.

Believe me, when I stumbled into here 8 months ago, I almost lost my mind with questions. I didn't know much about blockchains, and I'm still learning a lot. This site is bootstrapped which means that it is building itself through trial and error. It's like an onion and the deeper you go, only reveals another skin to uncover.
The reality is that in its core, it's supposed to function like a decentralized autonomous company, without a hierarchy, but as you can tell, the massive concentration of wealth which was done in the early mining phase has created unique and entrenched problems. In theory, the powerful and wealthy whales who do not see the value of this platform will, in time, power down, and create other whales who do indeed care for this platform. That's the optimistic outlook.

Right now you're seeing the whale society who most likely are not the best picks for the cultivation of culture, society and growth. At least that is how i see it. Artists and creators, like myself see and understand the value of this place because it's exactly what I have been wanting/needing: a way to earn income from the creation of work without middle men. But right now, middle men exist in the form of whales. This is the central problem that needs to get fixed, but no one is sure how this will be done. Once such a wealth gap exists, it's hard to ever bridge it. If creators and true cultivators of communities were in the central role of guiding this site, we would see a very different outcome. It seems that people who read and honestly curate are in the minority. This is also a problem. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on how to improve it. Wait til Hardfork 17 because many things will change with that update.

And curators and readers that get 0.001% of the rewards because they have nothing to stake, it seems a bit of a let down, no community, no connections, no decentralization, well what is the point :D


How to improve it? Make curation great again :D
I would like to see how the hardfork does, I don't like it, but who's asking anyways :D personally I would like to know too and have some ideas, but nothing solid

Well I'm sure at least 100 are probably no longer here hehe.

it's 467 to be exact.

Come to discord to chat here anytime

Or at 7pm EST, here for the steemtrail daily hangout

Most people have a high percentage of "dead followers" which means that they haven't logged into Steemit in over 3 months. His real count is 814 real live followers and 467 "dead followers".

Ah, so the people who have left can be counted via that site - I shall have a look and see if we can actually make a proper evaluation of the departed, shall we call them. What happens to the rewards they have received if they are still in their account? Is there a cut-off time when they get reincorporated into a fund or something?
Sorry, I am full of questions, aren't I?

I have more dead followers than live ones as you can see from the graphic below:


If we got everyone to put their dead followers into an xel file we could do a merge/purge and see how many deaths there have been! Macabre sense of humor I know - sorry.

I have a very dark sense of humor! No worries there.

According to Dead Followers, your true count of active followers is 814.
Here's your stats:

I resteemed this as well.

Everyone seems to be terribly nice - I write two observations which are damning of the management of steemit and I am welcomed like I have rarely experienced! Thank you, @stellabelle, you seem to have a very high rank so I hope I have not upset you.
I think I might have upset one of the founders who commented below - But with no management, there is a free for all exposure of the truth. He did not vote for me - I suspect that that is the mean-spiritedness which pervades!
I have been watching the platform but only joined recently. Why are people so blind? The numbers are there for all to see... less than a dolphin 1% - that is your lot - be happy for that!

I welcome different perspectives. Myopic glasses are the downfall of most companies! I've been saying this too! I'm a controversial one, I suppose, and the reason is that I don't want Steemit to fail! If I wasn't concerned, I would have just started writing vapid posts!