You Think Big Governments, Big Companies and Social Networks Control Your Life? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.

in #steemit9 years ago

For the past few years, many have raised concerns over the hegemony of a few big companies and their ability to track information about what we do. After Snowden's revelations, we know that this extends to many national governments and spy agencies across the world.

These concerns are quite real, and I'm glad we're having a public conversation on them. But they pale in comparison to what the Chinese government was able to accomplish.


Most people have no idea what's happening in China.

A well produced video reportage by The New York Times gives a peek into this very different world, where a sheltered internet has given rise to a new breed of app.

The SuperApp

When we think of applications and how we do things, we think Facebook for friends, Instagram for photos, reddit for discussions, Yelp for restaurants, WhatsApp for chatting, PayPal for payments, Amazon for Ecommerce, Medium (and steemit?) for blogging, etc.

You get the point.

But that's not how Chinese think. Enter WeChat.

WeChat is a monstrous giant that is capable of doing pretty much all the above, all within the same application, and practically every person in China who has an internet connection is using it.

It has over a billion created accounts and 700 million active users. And that's pretty much just for one country: China.

It does text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, broadcast messaging, video conferencing, video games, built in photo editing, location sharing, payments, customer reviews, and I wouldn't be surprised if it soon started making your coffee.

And we know that the Chinese government heavily restricts and controls the internet. It has unprecedented access to all the data it wants, including that of WeChat.

If you want to do any business in China, you have to bow down and accept the government's strict rules. The recent Uber-Didi's Chinese Mega Deal gave american companies a taste of that.

The Future

This is a glimpse of where we could be headed ourselves. The big f, the big a, and the big g are already working towards this, whether you have noticed or not.

What does this mean for our future? What is the extend to which we can (or should) trust corporations and governments with our data, the knowledge of our habits, our political leanings, our moral views, what we buy, where we go, who we meet up with?

Is this inevitable? Are you concerned? What role will blockchains and cryptocurrencies play in this game?

Share your thoughts.

follow me @federicopistono


It's all politics and power of a influence!

That's just scary... Big Brother!

I disagree on the headline statement...

things may have been moving in that direction - but there's been enough people cluing in and creating alternative systems to change the outcomes.

blockchain tech is a MAJOR piece in altering that course, undoubtedly.

the movement towards decentralization, cryptocurrency adoption, etc is growing quick. there's an acceleration occuring of both forces - though ultimately, they'll balance each other out - and it's up to each individual as to whether they want to resort to surrendering their personal willpower over to "the powers that be," or opt out of that system and choose self-determination, contributing to the emerging socio-economic systems based in higher consciousness...

Steemit is a PERFECT example case and point.
Obviously there are a lot of global elite mega powers that are constantly striving for more power and control yet there are many like those a part of this community who are going in a different direction.
There is always hope and the truth is that WE are the power. It is time we claim it~*~

This is as scary as the sesame credit system they are bringing in there, if you don't know what that is then Google it. It terrified me.

from one tip of that iceberg

"Sesame Credit has denied rumors that their rating includes data gathered from social media activity."

Is this something that can be believed ?
If this used against tourists and foreign business people trading in country it could end China's trade threat status.

My biggest hope for blockchain and cryptocurrencies is that they destroy the Federal Reserve. That is inevitable, but I think this tech will make it happen faster. A system like that will always collapse because it is simply unsustainable. After the Fed is no longer controling us, people can actually have access to the truth on a mass scale and make better decisions about their financial future. Everything has already been set up for us by extraordinary minds, we just have to take advantage of it.

On a side note, I wonder how The Chinese government is able to process all kf that information. Do they just file it away under every person's name? Do they search for key words? That amount of data is useless if they can't organize it and actually use it.

It serves also to prepare the people for transhumanism, no? The merging of man with machines which is the only hope the monstrous controllers have, i'm sure, of "everlasting life"!

Since Snowden's revelations, I don't fear increased data capture because the NSA is already basically capturing everything. There isn't much more the government can take and process other than increasing their domestic surveillance drones and stingrays:

I think the best hope is to slowly increase your off-the-grid presence and lifestyle and embrace cryptos as much as possible. I'll admit, I have been inconsistent with my off-the-gridiness, so I have a lot of work to do myself.

It seems like it's not an easy task - to control, analyze and store such a volume of data. So not necessarily someone has an eye on you.
At the same time lots of people are bothered by it, but if so, maybe they should choose what they're using and do it more consciously?
Because even the internet itself is giving a lot of benefits, but also a possibilities for scam and fraud. So you just need to be aware and able to protect yourself where it's nesessary.
I guess the blockchain is a logical and safest choise for that - we have nothing better than this for the moment, and yet it's a very beginning.

WeChat is great app that is using by Chineses, this is wonderful figure 700 million active users.

This is why I've turned my back on my Big Brother. So many entities out there vying for complete control over everyone.