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in #steemit9 years ago

Hello! I totally get your point, but I would ask you to consider mine.
I speak 4 languages rather well. German is native, italian is second, then comes english and then french. I recently wrote my first blogpost in italian ever (I am 40) and it felt so liberating. I did it, because there is hardly any italian content, and I had spent 2 months building up the german speaking channel:
I totally agree with this:
"I want the quality of writing on Steemit to improve and I simply don’t see that happening if whales continue to reward poor quality content. Not only does it lower the bar but it signals to good writers that their talents are unappreciated. "

But the cause is that Steemit is currenlty built to reward english only. I have encountered numerous people that keep telling me they were going to write in their native language as soon as there was any perspective for reward.
Change that, and the bad english speakers will switch back to their native language (I have no problem writing only in German).



totally agree. At the moment, people are only writing in English because if they write in Korean or other minor langauges, they wont a cent..

But I agree with the articles content, so I will improve my posts to not offend anybody.

Being "offended" by poor language skills by an otherwise well intentioned writer is just snobbish.

It is an undercover discrimination. All the post it´s an elegant way to say I don´t want non native speakers here. Or in a really anglo phrase "latin monkeys out of here". That is what I read inter lines here. That is the reason of my downvote to this post. The cry baby don´t want that no native english speakers earn money here. The reason of a social network is expand, but he want to reduce the network. If I write a bad or broken english I need help. We don´t need to be excluded of the network. If we write a bad english, well my Sir, you can correct us. That is my opinion.

Please show me where I said non-native English speakers should be 'excluded' from Steemit.

That is the spirit of your post. Exclude as of Steemit or exclude us of the possibility of post in english cause you don´t like the way and manners of our "broken english". The truth is that you don´t like non native english speakers earn money with Steemit. You don´t like have non native speakers as competitors. The sun shine for all here. That is your problem.

I totally agree with you fabio, I´d love to write only in spanish, but as you said there are no rewards yet

Build it and they will come. Create inspiring, thought-provoking, and entertaining content. Then share it with communities of the same language. and invite people within those communities to participate. You have to start somewhere. Isn't it exciting to be here, at the beginning, where you have the biggest opportunity to be involved in the rapid growth of a community?

Make your content so damn good that people of the same language rush to see it before any other content on the web.

Oh, I am doing just that, as you would be able to see for yourself if you were'nt monolingually challenged. I also already explained that it is what I am doing and my english might not be up to your standards, but it is said to be intelligible. I honestly doubt you would taste your own medicine on a chineses Steemit. I also am angry at the insulting hubris you keep displaying towards non english speakers here. You have a very unpleasant "let them eat cake" attitude.