The World of Crypto and What it Could Mean for You
The recent “dumpening” with crypto coins across the board has produced a division of ideologies. Which has always been pretty much the case. There are groups that feel crypto has had it’s day and was an interesting experiment while it lasted. The other side states that we are right at the beginnings of a global financial revolution and these things are just expected "bumps in the road" leading to a much better future for us all.

But one thing is for sure. 2017 was a game changer for cryptocurrency. Huge investment from large, invisible corporate entities who wanted in on the action and bought in by the bucket loads. The side effect to that being the droves of new users stampeding their way into the crypto space too.
Though there is a one golden rule to fully comprehend before anyone gets into the game at this stage.
Just take that statement as a given at present. Digital coins have not been around very long and are capable of moving more than ten times their current price in a matter of hours, only to fall right back down again a short while afterwards. Experienced investors who have been involved from much earlier on are very used to this sort of market behaviour, however it may be too stressful for many newcomers to take.

And I feel the terminology used by the media plays a vital role as to people’s perceptions in this regard.
For instance, “Bloodbath”.
A popular coined expression used in describing the crypto markets when in freefall. A bath full of blood. Crimson waters. Red being a staple colour associated with danger. Why must this language be the only way to explain what’s going on? When every single time the markets have done an about turn and recovered, most of the time superseding their original price? It doesn't make it sound nearly as dramatic when looking at the reality of the matter.
Though for anybody new to the markets, news propaganda like this can spell a quick exit. Take a loss and run with what you have left. But the bigger picture is what crypto is all about. And what I feel is a much larger bigger picture than a lot of us think.
I see it like this. Crypto is not about trading coins for profit per se. It’s about investing. Having a belief that what you are buying into is a slice of the future. Just look at the plain facts. The Internet, e-mail,, online shopping and banking as well as countless other examples. All these innovative changing to further improve our existence on this planet meant us placing a certain amount of faith and trust in unusual theories put forward by the masterminds of our generation.
I see crypto in the exact same vein. No pun intended.
We’re not talking a simple fad here. I have spoken with a few individuals very high up the corporate ladder working in some big multinational firms. And am lucky enough to call them my friends. They tell me directly that the key buzzword making the rounds at this time is “blockchain” technology. And that's because blockchain and business in general go hand in hand in terms of scalability, automation and efficiency. Transacting with suppliers and customers would be so much simpler, salaries paid out in employees more streamlined than at present, monitoring of expensive hardware and software without the need for human intervention. So many possibilities, the list is almost endless.

So we could be talking a historic and unprecedented change in society as a whole. And it's evolution will span over the course of numerous decades. Centuries even. So let's bear in mind, even our lifetime pales in comparison to where this thing looks like it’s headed. And if you are in the game now, consider yourself extremely fortunate to have discover it this early as what usually happens is that the masses at large find out about these things well after the ship has sailed. However, this is a strange and different paradigm we are in.
Big companies as well as end users are all vying for the same piece of the action. One humongous free-for-all. As I mentioned, the public are usually the last ones to find out what is going on, but not in this circumstance. We’re all sitting at the same table and can show are hands any time we want. It’s just a question of how much we can grab now before the year is out.
I feel 2018 and beyond will be much harder to obtain cheap crypto as well as any other unforeseen purchasing restrictions that may be put in place by the powers that be. We are waist deep in unknown waters and this is something we should all be very aware of.
So, after all is said and done, it should be quite clear which camp I’m firmly situated in. In fact, that’s part of the reason I have never powered down any of my "steempower" but wish to only accumulate more as time goes by. Forget about the flurry of media speculation every time crypto’s take a dive. Look much further down the line and see this as an opportunity of a lifetime. A one-time chance of boosting your financial portfolio to astronomical levels.

So, my humble advice is... Research, horde and store. Get in now while everything is being offered at a substantial discount and don’t panic sell. What you choose to do could not only have enormous ramifications for you and your family now but countless generations after.
Each day of our lives presents us with a plethora of branching pathways. So let's make sure we select the best ones we can.
Brilliant post that deserves a resteem.
You are correct on so many levels. What sticks out the most is the language used by the mainstream when trying to explain the state of Bitcoin and blockchain.
The sensationalism and emotion that MSM uses to keep themselves relevant is starting to wane. Their veneer is starting crack and the masses are starting to catch on to their game.
For the world to be revolutionized we will only require a large enough minority to sway the others. When I wrapped my head around this concept it made the change that we are looking for more of a reality. These are fabulous times.
Thank you very much!
The crypto media is exactly the same as the normal channels we are so used to. Spreading sensationalist headlines in order to get noticed. Especially when so many people are new to the game and very susceptible to any news they are likely to come across. You just gotta filter out the jargon and look way beyond that. That's the whole point of "decentralisation", lol!
So yes, I hope people are quick to wisen up and think for themselves. Because the "forward thinkers" will be the clear winners in this space.
Beautiful comment, buddy. Thank you again. :)
Hey @ezzy... A fabulous article out there... 👍✍️
I am also in a opinion that the growth story for crypto currencies has just started. The potential is immense one only need to pick the right ones for there investments. Only thing one need to keep in mind is that they are not putting money on a slot-machine... It should not be a case of gambling, whereas put money in the technology/service that is on offer. A marothon runner starts slow but takes you places. So have patience and invest wisely. Anyways its not a loss until you press the sell button. Peace
Thanks, mate!
Totally agree. If people want quick profits or "gamble" their money away, this is the wrong game to be in. Strategic investment should be the order of the day and a nice helping of patience afterwards. There are many potential crypto millionaires on the horizon. I hope you turn out to be one of them.
Thanks again, buddy. :)
Thanks a lot mate!! Much appreciated 👍👍
Good words of wisdom. I like the fact that the train is coming back around to pick up those that have woken up to crypto.
Right now though there is fear of bitcoin with a possible split. I could actually see it go down under $1,000 but then once things get set then pop back to over $5,000. You just don't want to holding the one left behind. But who knows maybe bitcoin is the MySpace of crypto and another becomes widely adopted? I personally don't this it is ethereum.
Thanks for your kind words, @mikehere.
It will be very interesting to see how the split affects the price but as you say, it's better to be in it than simply watch from the sidelines. We are at the very starting blocks so anything can happen. Let's watch this space! :)
The kind that I'm worried about bitcoin in the future. But you've seen it grow so fast and the price is erratic to make many people worry about the future of bitcoin. I use bitcoin and now the higher the price I like. Greeting steemit
Wish it was backed by Gold.
I believe it is long term. My thinking is along those lines, and how I approach the markets. The roller coaster ride can throw you if not prepared, or if you aren't clear on your strategy and even your reason for investing in the first place.
Hey there, buddy! Of course, these are my personal opinions, but from what I'm hearing the actual underlying "blockchain" technology is getting big firms very excited indeed. Mass adoption shouldn't be too far off in the grand scheme of things and we'll be right there in the thick of it when that happens. Just gotta sit tight until then!
Thank you, @naquoya. :)
Yes, I agree. Just sit tight because huge things are under way. Easier said than done, but having that fundamental perspective as well as a technical one helps. Cheers.
Blockchain is here to stay, is funny how people are happy to see some coins gain over 4000-5000% within 6months in 2017 and just 50-100% drop due to some debate about Bitcoin segwit implementation and they panic sell even sell at lost.
The weak hands will drop off, people with sight will buy more and make more profits.
Yes, absolutely right. Those people with no patience or too much belief in what the media says will most likely be having some serious regrets in the near future. As always, time will reveal all.
It takes guts to make money even, but here is money growing on trees and people can't embrace this financial revolution. It's sicken
Good Post!
Wherever the prices of any currency will go, i trust in the decentralized blockchain technologie! When this gets mass adopted, one day - and I am pretty sure it will - we will see an unbelievable marketcap! For me it is like I do spend only 5 to 10% off my "free" money each month on risky businesses with good potential like I have always done. (about 14 years on stockmarkets.)
Following you!
Thank you, buddy.
I see things exactly as you do and you will go far adopting that attitude and strategy in the markets. You will always get the naysayers, especially when these so-called "bloodbaths" hit the markets. But where's the forward thinking it that? It's the visionaries that will thrives after the dust settles.
Bless... :)
Really nice content @ezzy.
For sure markets are going to be manipulated and someone's gona lose money and someone else is gonna win that money.
My opinion is that some of the cryptos are going to shoot really high in the coming years but not all of them.
Thank you, @fisnikk.
And yes, I agree not all cryptos will survive but as things evolve, I think we'll have ample time to jump on-board the ones that do. We are so early on that even the worst of ICO's can now make you big money on launch. It's a crazy time, man. :)
Those ICO's are crazy.People are making loads of money with them.
Definitely a crazy time!
Research, horde and store. Yes, yes and yes.
And one more yes.
That's what I'm looking at, pal. :)
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Upvoted and resteemed brother! I believe in the same destiny, I think this has the possibility to set an evolution of mankind in motion.. I was just thinking about it earlier, that maybe this could change our current fight or flight mode behavior that the majority is constantly suffering from due to our stressful lives, the constant struggle we are in because of the scarcity created to control us. If these new technologies like blockchain can create abundance on the planet then the main fear of survival becomes obselete and suddenly there is a lot more room inside of us to find our true nature, this could lead to people being a lot more self-aware and grow into better persons . A lot of people would finally have the time to pursuit there passions, I can only image what an impact this could have on the entire planet. My plan is to stick supporting the blockchain and try to invest in the right ones that have the potential to set us free! Like steemit for example :D. Thanks for the fabulous post brother!
Thanks a lot, man!
I like your vision. Blockchain and crypto certainly has the potential to empower the people who support it. How the governments react to that is another matter but we can only do the things within our own control. Holding on to top rated digital coins makes perfect sense given the potential growth they have.
Wish you all the best, man... :)
I checked out your blog out of curiosity and just read the first part of your novell, you are very talented, I loved it! I will be reading them all soon! You have got a new follower brother. Cheers bro
Bless, man! Thank you so much! :)