A Love Letter to the New Generation of Steemians

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

First of all, let me get this out of the way right now. A massive congratulations is in order. For discovering possibly the best website you’ll ever come across in your life. Something that, with the right combination of effort and dedication, could go on to change your life forever.

A very bold statement indeed but also the truth of the matter. I know this because the above actually happened to me! Someone who had never blogged in their life, was not in search for the elixir of the Internet and was actually quite an introvert too in some respects. That was "me" in a nutshell.


Now, I’ve read many a great post discussing and outlining that unwritten “code of conduct” when interacting with other “steemians” and the community as a whole. And I completely agree with most. So, I thought since it’s coming up to a year now that I’ve become a somewhat established member of this community and the sheer amount of new sign ups every day, I’d put my perspective and thoughts on this subject moving forward. Whilst at the same time attempt to offer up some constructive and friendly advice too.

A Short Trip Down Memory Lane

I remember it well. Starting out on Steemit was quite a surreal affair. Throwing myself into an invisible online community of strangers, groups and politics. I hadn’t a clue where to begin or what I was doing. Not even what to post! I just knew I wanted to be a part of this. “The Social Blogging Platform that Pays!” was the slogan advertised back then. Even now, some regard it as too good to be true.

But after even a few minutes of browsing through the trending page, it became evident that there were some names cropping up way more than others. People that had already secured a solid foundation for themselves. @stellebella, @ericvancewalton, @heiditravels and @craig-grant to name but a few. People I’d never heard of before, but had apparently done enough to get noticed by others.


So, not knowing what the heck I was doing, I decided to publish some of my own content. I tried some Top 10 lists, nothing. I tried motivational posts, nothing. Hell, I even attempted a few memes (Biggest mistake ever!), ziltch! And you know what? I took it personally! I’ll just say it like it is. Perhaps due to my naivety of the social media sphere, it just didn’t make sense. I had almost zero feedback from anyone! A bunch of questions began spinning through my head. Have I been “muted” on this platform? Does anyone care that I even exist? Why is this happening to me? So, I did what any normal person would have done in my situation… I left.

"After all, it must be some bug in the “platform” and not “me”, right?"

Fast forward to about a month later and my wife (who joined the same time as myself) actually dedicated herself to posting regularly about cooking and travel (her two greatest passions in life). And eventually was doing rather well!

So, with a renewed strength and resolve, I thought, why not have another bash at this. I put together a short story, determined to keep on persevering until I grabbed someone’s attention. Even if I made nothing like the last time. I remember so clearly how I felt after publishing it. Many new users were signing up by then and I just knew it would get lost in a flood of other articles.

However, my mind set was very different now. I had mentally conceded to the fact that by simply throwing out arbitrary post after post would be like flicking pennies into an ocean. A pointless exercise! This time, I thought why not make my blog about “my” greatest passion (which was writing stories). Not create something which I presumed would amuse and satiate others. Some joke, a meme, a few random facts squeezed into Microsoft Word.

”No, this time it would be all about “me” and the image “I” wanted to create for myself.”


A few minutes later, checked back. Nothing. Half an hour later, one cent. Now, the “previous” version of myself would have folded by now. Blamed anything and everyone else but “me”.

But this was different. My expectations were gone. In fact, (and as controversial as this may sound) a part of me was almost “glad” of my dismal payout. I had filled up my Steemit blog with pretty much useless junk and wanted to make a fresh start. So, the more content added to this new direction I wanted to go in, the better the image I’d create for anyone happening across my posts. I had a chance to re-establish how I wished to be perceived by others and, more importantly, do something I love. Looking back, I really can’t see why I didn’t see things as I do now. I’d go as far as to say it should have been downright obvious.

So, another check on my post around the one hour mark and I’d bagged myself a whale's vote. And “that” was the spark that fired the engine into life. Not only was it an amazing feeling to finally get some credible remuneration for my work, but also the fact that others were now taking heed of my work. The comments began flowing, interaction with the community became a joy and since then, I’ve never looked back.

It’s been one hell of a ride and ultimately led to some of the best experiences of my entire life. The Steemfest, making life-long new friends, forming strong alliances with other authors. The list just goes on and on and on. But as you can see, this didn’t happen overnight. My state of mind had changed as to how I viewed the platform and that turned out to be a key factor ingredient missing the last time around.

The Long Climb Home


Reminiscing about the past helps me to understand the ways things were. And the first truth we must all face up to is this. When you first start out on Steemit, nobody cares who you are. You’re just another faceless mask in the crowd. A complete stranger in a strange land. And no matter how much you kick, scream and shout, the cold, hard fact is that no one will be listening. That’s just the way it works on Steemit and within society in general.

"But it’s not all bad news."

The way I see it, why don’t you see yourself as a blank, untarnished canvas. Because when you sign up to Steemit, you are actually creating an opportunity for yourself. Opening the door to a place where your voice has a chance to be heard. Though whether you seize it or not is completely up to you. But it’s there and ready anytime you are.

So I say this. Whilst selfishness is usually considered a negative trait, your first baby steps into the world of Steemit should be just that. Think about yourself. Forget about trying to make an impression on anyone else. Establish “your” brand first and foremost. That will be your personal portfolio to show others what you are capable of. Nothing is of greater importance at the start. I can definitely attest to that, given my personal journey on here. Once that’s in place, like a jigsaw puzzle, everything else will fall into place.


Always keep in mind, “you” don’t represent your user profile (unless you’re already a known celebrity of some sort), your “content” does. That will be the main driver during your time on Steemit. Resulting in your experience being either a miserable one or a great one. That choice is in your hands alone. Everybody has a certain something they excel at and here, you have the perfect platform to show the world what you’re capable of! Patience, discipline and consistency are your best allies when it comes to moulding the kind of person you want to be on Steemit.

And another golden rule I always tend to stick by and one you'd do well to bare in mind. Steemit doesn’t need anyone. Not you, me or any other user on the platform. We leave, it’ll just mean a little more steem to be distributed out in reward payouts. So please, as the saying goes, take the bull by the horns and reach your fullest potential here on Steemit.

Believe me, you’ll only thank yourself for doing so way down the line...

Sources: (1,2,3.4,5)


I love this! I had no idea about your rough start here. I'm incredibly impressed with your raw honesty and have no doubt that it will be a huge inspiration to so many new people reading this.
You were definitely one of my initial inspirations. I thought, Here's a guy writing fiction and doing well, (of course it was really good fiction which helps haha!)on top of which you were so kind to this newbie you made my whole experience that much better.
You are always saying "bless", and I've come to think of you as one of my biggest steemit blessings. I saw a man following his heart and dreams, not attempting to blog about subjects that appeared on the trending page, and blessing anyone wise enough to recognize both his talent and beautiful spirit.

I am putting together a photography post, and I've decided I'm going to include links to all of the best articles written for newbies recently. I'm so glad you wrote this one, it should be one fine compilation now!

My sweet sweet @dreemit!

Whenever I see any words written from you, I break out into a smile. Thanks for those touching comments. And please understand that YOU are as much an inspiration to me (probably more so, lol) because of your strong spirit and incredibly warm personality. Such a rarity these days but you guys are out there, lol.

I'm only been myself this entire time so if you garners recognition in your book, I will grateful receive it. I think it's safe to say we'll pretty much be life long friends now so I look forward to all the magical times and memories we've yet to share together.

I can't wait to check out your "best of" featured post and am privileged to be considered for it. Really appreciate all your steadfast support and encouragement along the way so let's try to help build up the new generation of steemians and allow more amazing friendships to be forged in the future.

Bless, lovely @dreemit and thank you so much once again! :)

What a fantastic read man. Especially the part of you giving up at the start and coming back with a new mindset and nailing it. That sort of stuff resonates with me. A strong positive mindset is so important. It's what you need if you want to survive what I call the grind.

My main brother! Thanks for the awesome comment! The great thing is I can actually picture you speaking your comment to me, lol!

We have talked for so many hours that it doesn't even need to be said really. But the positive vibe coming from you as well as your infectious attitude and charisma are exactly what EVERY steemian needs on this platform.

You've got it all, my friend! And I look forward to sharing many more "steemian" memories with you too. Thanks so much again and let's keeping pushing through the "Steemit" stratosphere together! :)

Thank you!
I am on steemit for about a week now, I made 6 posts (avarage earnings 1-7 dollars). And, what I learned?
Posts where I really dedicated my self got better earnings and more voteups. You know, when I was writting about my passions it really gone well. I like steemit and I will invest myself in it. I have some plans or projects about promoting steemit in Serbia this summer and I think I will manage it somehow. Anyway, your post gave me BOOST UP. 🙂
Resteemed of course.

Yes! That's exactly what I was getting at, sir! Your image will be represented through your content, Let it speak for itself and the rest will fall into place naturally. Your plans on promoting steemit in Serbia sound fantastic. I wish you the very best of luck here on this platform, buddy! :)

Thank you sir :)
I learned lot about promoting posts and I'm still learning. Soo I think it is going to work out somehow. And there is one more enormous good thing, I really like steemit . :)

Sadly I made some other experience. The posts I put most work into aren't those with the highest payout. Recently I just shared a news with a short comment from me and it is my most valuable post. But it is much fun anyway! :)

Oh man! If only I had a time machine to show you what things were like in the past with Steemit. People would receive maybe one massive payout (if they were lucky) only to go back to pennies there after. It was brutal. The way the platform is running now cannot even be compared to how it used to be. Please trust me, things have improved leaps and bounds.

Keep on pushing, brother! :)

I know. You gotta find right theme that pays out. But if that theme isn't your passion or you just can't dedicate yourself in a right way, you just won't get very good earnings.

Yes, this is really encouraging! I am thinking about my "content strategy" for days now and it is not easy for me. Maybe I decide to really just enjoy interacting and sharing with others. After all... It was years ago, I decided that money should never be a too important part in my life. So I guess that will be the attitude I will look on this now.

Definitely! Build your brand first and let that speak for itself in the beginning. It'll pay off handsomely given time. :)

I think this is the only strategy for long term success (short of being lucky). Great advice, seriously hope people read this and comprehend it. And congrats on making Steemit a successful experience for yourself.

Bless you, @naquoya! I can only vouch for my own personal experience on here and how I see this thing from my perspective. Steemit is blowing up big-time so I hope posts like this can offer up some encouragement for new users during the initial "grind"!

Thank you so much, buddy! :)

The advice is a help for us not-so-new users also :)

Lol, you're reading my mind, bro! I was actually contemplating adding that remark in to my post whilst writing it.

Hello @ezzy!

So you're a talented article writer too? You never cease to amaze me. :)

I love this post and it relates directly to me. I haven't really started posting anything since joining Steemit (I'll be honest, I'm only really reading the brilliant stories you produce). But I intend to start soon. Your advice comes straight from someone who has been there and done it. That to me carries alot of weight and I'll be doing my first resteem ever now, lol.

Golden advice and I'll be using it as a reference for when I start my blog properly. Thank you and take care, @ezzy.

Hey @myb!

Man, thank you very much! You've always been such an invaluable support throughout and I'm truly blessed for that, buddy! But yes, start soon if you can. Steemit ain't going nowhere so you've got all the time in the world to think things through and begin.

When you start posting, I wish you the absolute best and I'm sure you'll go far. Keep on pushing and reaching for the stars! :)

Thanks for all of this good words, you welcome all new steemians and we welcome you back, We must help each other on here because we are the steem familly , Hope we all get sucess in steem

Yes, without a doubt. Especially after HF19 where people's voting power has to be juggled around differently to some extent. The connection are there to be made, it's just how best to make them. Thank you for the awesome comments, sir. :)

U are welcome, I hope that you can help me by Upvoting

This comment has received a 0.09 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

This comment has received a 0.05 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

It's a special social media which brought has brought revolution to the masses. It's still in beta and many many people have yet to discover this treasure but.. Until then this network needs to be improved so that the new users are capable of gettng into the community much faster.

First thing that I expect to influence and bring more people to the Steemit is Zappl. Most of the people will be coming from Facebook, Twitter and other social media, thus they are used to oneliners and postlings. Zappl will offer them similliar experience with that part of the social media with the yuge difference of getting rewarded for your contributions.

Second thing. Steemit needs better categorization asap. Whenevet I enter the Hot page it's 90% cn and kr. They are one influental community inside Steemit but hot page seems to be somehow reserved for them. That's why we need much better categorization of languages with the expected influx of new users accross the globe.

Thanks for sharing @ezzy great post.

Hey there, freedomnation.

Yes, Zappl hopefully will be a big deal when it's released. I got high hopes riding on that. And "categories" are on the way (It's on the roadmap and should be coming soon). I totally understand why they left it for after the latest hardfork which was a stroke of brilliance in my book.

Your ideas are fantastic and I'm sure you can see how the future will only help Steemit grow as a platform.

thank you for the great comments, buddy. :)

Nice work! :)

Thank you... and great username! :)

Thanks.... you have all post to upvotes ;)

You're a beauty. Thank you, @friendly! :)

I dont want upvote ... thanks :p lol ;)

So you should just post something not bland and something you're comfortable posting and hope to get hit by a whale. Well, I'll try and go do that, it sounds easy enough.

Just post relevant content and concentrate on building yourself up first. You can't look too much at the financial aspect from the start or you'll loose track of the direction of your blog. Best of luck.