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RE: Attention Economy of Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Intrusive advertising sucks lumpy brown sewer water.
I hate it when I'm trying to read text
... and stuff is wiggling, jumping and
...POPPING OUT to distract me.
I hate it I say.

Advertising is fundamentally deceptive.
It's lying for pay.
People whore themselves by saying things that they do not believe.

Advertising on Steem should be thought of and handled in the same manner
as nuclear waste or bio-toxins.
It's Satan, it's cancer
The Cronies will slowly ingratiate themselves to those in power then slow, gradually take over.

Think of it as a virus.
Protocols designed to keep the rest of Steem safe from the virus must be designed and implemented.
Or steem well be just like FaceBook, Reddit and all the rest
Pwnd megacorporations....


There does need to be a sustainable revenue source to support the payouts that the site generates.

Agreed. Non-profit advertising, where the money goes to the users of Steemit, could be one of those sustainable revenue sources.

Hmm.. but some posts are already giant ads themselves. I'm quite desensitised by ads anyway, so no biggie on my end. However, I think ads should be a last resort!

Totally agree with you. I don't even notice the ads on facebook lol

A post that is a 'giant ad' is one thing. An ad embedded in a post is something different. Other sites are embedding ads in the text. This is very distracting and totally breaks the mood. The vile microencephalatics are even embedding ads in ads. Try going to any commercial site (walmart, homedepot, amazon) and try to look up the specs (price, weight, etc) of any ONE thing...say a sheet of rigid foamboard. You will find very damn little information embedded in a ton of distracting adverstiements of OTHER stuff which if you try to look THEM up you find the same thing. Ads on top of ads, beside ads, embedded in ads, and none of them are saying a damn thing. No wonder the modern generation has the attention span of a gnat.

ADD (attention deficit disorder) caused by ads. A mental disease.

If ads are mixed in with the current way steemit is designed, this would be a terrible move. The attention economy needs to move well beyond advertisements sticking to our blog posts. Yuck, the whole idea of sticking ads to our content sounds absolutely gross. Let the brands create their own amazing content for their own accounts, like eveyone else!

Let the brands promote their content into one feed so those of us who want to ignore it, can.
What a concept! Let the creatives have control and be free to create stuff for the future! We need Steemit to become the envy of the internet, not the corrupt cave of lunatics it currently is.

I see both sides to this..

    1. Obviously the increased sales revenue of steem and sbd, but it will also give more people the idea that steemit and bitcoin are a much better way to handle money than their typical banks, This would also mean a higher chance of advertisers coming back and investing themselves into steemit.

    On the other hand

  • 2 Ads suck!

I agree with both of your points. How do we maximize the benefits while minimizing the downsides?

By creating a 'promoted stream' that most of us can avoid like the plague.

LOL, could not stop laughing after reading "sucks lumpy brown sewer water." You sir, have the gift of ranting!

Yes, I don't like ads either, but I am a realist. And that drives me to find an equitable balance. We have the opportunity to design limitations into the system now, so ads are not overly intrusive, a secondary revenue source for authors, and a boost to the overall Steem economy. Steem, the cryptocurrency, then has more uses and can attract more external investment into the system.

The real challenge will be pulling this off and corralling the use of ads to be elegant and additive to the system and not overbearing or controlling.

You can't boost something that is currently dysfunctional. The basic reward structure, and the algorithm needs to be fixed using social energy measurements.

Thank you.
I was trying to be nice.
Ad's have polluted the internet.
Sites, in particular those that have been made by 'professional web designers' are almost unusable, and all because of ads.

"Intrusive advertising sucks lumpy brown sewer water.
I hate it when I'm trying to read text
... and stuff is wiggling, jumping and
...POPPING OUT to distract me.
I hate it I say."
I AGREE 100%