|| marketing concept for steemit || pt.1

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

As some of you might know alreeady, I started a project called It´s about education for people who had never been in touch with digital currencies so far and recruiting of new community members.

(I posted a german version before , but because of some requests from english speaking steemians, I´ll try my best to do it in english.)

My personal focus in this project is to educate charity-organisations, because I think some of them are really doing great work at should be pushed in a way they don´t now, yet. But it´s for regular bloggers and maybe later on companies, too.

As mentioned in one of my last posts I won´t be able to do this project all on my own, this is why I decided to share my thoughts during conception with all of you. If anybody got an idea how to improve the concept of, just let me know. I also would be very glad if you want to join the project. Me and some others will start the work in german speaking countries, but we´ll also create material in english, so that everybody will be able to use the informations provided by the academy.

All informations and suggestions are made by myself, so there probably will be some mistakes, but hey... before wasting more words, let´s get into it.

Most of you know the development of innovation sorted in Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority and so on. I tried to connect these anominous terms with more or less real users. On the right side I tried to match those user with some core interests (CONJECTURE).

Money will always be important on steemit, but I think the day will come, that people just want to have fun on steemit and meet there friends, because most people are no bloggers or something like this.

The red line on this chart marks our current status. I suggest it, because if somebody like me gets to know things like steemit, the mainstream isn´t that far away anymore.

Looking below the red line we see the target groups, which will enter steem at next.

This chart shows the derivation from pyramide to the target audience and what this target audience is doing. The great thing of top to bottum brands is that they spread hardly by them thelves, as you can see in the chart below.

Now you can say: "alright, so everthing will turn out fine, why do we need all this education and this whole thing?!"

It´s easy. There is a gap between the current users and regular users without any attraction to crypto currencies. What we need to do to grow steemit is convincing Specific Blogger, Blogger, Journalists with a bigger reach to use steemit. The rest will follow.

That´s why will focus on Early Adopters and a part of the Early Majority.

So now we know, who needs to be convinced. The next question is: "How can we do it?"
For those who don´t know it yet, here is a short explaination of AIDA:

Like most things in advertising it´s easy to understand. We need to get Attention, convert this attention in Interest and create a Desire suitable to the interest. In regular marketing the following Action stands for sale. I´m very happy, that this is the first time I´m doing all this marketing-stuff without the aim of selling products that nobody needs. Actually this product doesn´t even need to be buyed, it donates and gives people the possibilty to donate. Awesome!

Back to topic... to use AIDA on on our target group, we need to know what problems need to be solved in the lifes of our target group.

This wasn´t a big suprise, wasnt´t it? That´s because we are in the early state of steemits economic development.

Let´s apply AIDA.

So now some of you might say "Yea..we knew allt that stuff already. It´s no rocket science. Why did you write this article?" And you are totally right. But I want to show you what is about and I´m shure that projects like this are neccessary to secure the success of steemit on a longer range. And this is why I´m here.

As mentioned at the beginning of this post, I´m happy for every input. If you like the idea hit the follow button of I ashure you, that once the conception is done, there will be a lot of interesting things going on over there.

Next steps of conception will be announced on my private profile, because the account will not start blogging until the conception of the project is done. (except for donations like the one from @fabio).

I´ll appreciate every vote, bacause I would like to reduce spending time at my regular job, to intensify my work on this project and as a result on the success of steemit.

greatings and a big "thank you" are going out to @cass, @fabio and @pharesim for exchange and support.

cheers @essra


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