WE ARE ONE – My Musings on the Future State of Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I love being in situations where I’m not the smartest person in the room and during SteemFest I felt like I was in heaven. Truthfully, I’m still drunk from it all. The source of the drunkenness isn’t from any intoxicating substance, my cold medication (correct me if I'm wrong @roelandp but I think it's vlierbessensiroop in Dutch), or too many stroopwafels. The source of my euphoria is the flood of positive energy sparked by so many like-minded, creative, and highly intelligent individuals gathered together in one place in Amsterdam last weekend.

SteemFest was more than just fun, it revealed to me how truly powerful our platform is, why it will be successful and even why it has the potential to change the world as we know it. As @nanzo-scoop mentioned so eloquently in his article earlier today, our main strength is our people. One distinct change I’ve noticed before and after SteemFest is people are beginning to refer to Steemit as our platform where before it was mostly referred to as the platform. Judging from the posts I’ve been seeing this week I think we all feel much more optimistic and invested in Steemit now. This, above all else, is what makes Steemit more valuable than any other social media platform in existence.

What is the common denominator of most everyone I met at SteemFest? All of us are frustrated with the status quo and we want to use our talents to change the world for the better. Our current world is controlled by corrupt gatekeepers whose sole purpose is to monopolize all they can and keep things exactly the way they are. Today’s world simply cannot be fixed using the current framework that it’s constructed from. Why is this? The gatekeepers have very deliberately blocked every avenue that could be used to facilitate any kind of substantive change. What I realized is Steemians, at their core, are anarchists, revolutionaries, and visionaries.

Everyone I met at SteemFest, whether their specialties are IT., crypto-currency, or content creators all share the same vision of a new, decentralized, society. This is the real genius of our platform. Every one of us on Steemit are pieces of a very complex puzzle. When the puzzle is completed we will literally have created a brand new, more equitable world of our own design. Together I believe there are no problems that can’t be solved.

Our crypto-tech experts are building an ever evolving new infrastructure which is the backbone of a new world and also a means of an equitable transference of energy. Currency, whether fiat or crypto, is merely a representation of energy. Once earned, we must spend this currency and invest it wisely.

Our content creators are using their specific talents in ways that only they can to create engaging, educational, and entertaining content. When all of these different players collaborate and share ideas a synergy takes place in which the sum of our ideas are far greater than the value of its individual parts. Since we’re all stakeholders is this wonderful experiment the Steemit feed should be awash with constant conversation and sharing of ideas on the best steps forward.


A few ideas that sprung up for me during SteemFest were:

  • Both a post “draft mode” and a post scheduler that allows you to publish a completed post automatically at a set time of your choosing;
  • A symbol which appears next to your name representing your status/ranking on the platform, making status more transparent to other users;
  • A personalized ratio of upvotes-to-downvotes that is tabulated in real time and displayed somewhere in your profile. This will clearly identify both those who vote judiously and those users who abuse the downvote; and
  • A clear and easily understood path of growth for new users to follow that will illustrate to them what they need to do to grow from minnow to whale.

Getting the Word Out

Now that we are beginning to realize the depth of which we are all invested in our beloved platform I feel it’s important to flood our social media pages with our individual stories (with links to Steemit), as @michelle.gent did with her recent ingenious post. Sharing our individual stories is an effective, authentic, and organic way to grow our user-base.

I've learned to not only listen to the words people say but gauge the level of their passion and also watch their actions closely. I have no doubt after meeting those behind the scenes as well as other content creators that Steemit will prevail. Lots of exciting applications have already been, and are in the process of being, built on top of Steemit and to maximize the probability of success we need to grow the volume of users on the platform.

For now I'll tuck my SteemFest wristband away someplace safe and somehow try to deal with the ache of leaving the beauty and charm of Amsterdam behind. It's time to transition back to regular life after a weekend that just can't be described in words. What great memories we all made. Now I think it’s important for us to look to the future.

I woke up this morning to see that Steem is rising. I feel very confident saying that the future going to be a very bright one for all of us.

What are some of your ideas to make Steemit even more awesome than it is?

Let's keep this conversation going forever.

To follow my unfolding story please visit my website here to sign up for my author newsletter.


When you say Steemit is no longer the platform but OUR platform I think that's spot on. I feel closer to Steemit than anything else on the internet since a long time. During Steemfest I met people that I now consider good friends. I think that's magical and Steemit did this.

Steemit somehow reminds me of the early days of the internet when everything was still so young and new and it was a magical place to be on. I also made friends back then that I still speak to today.

All this happened before the giants IT companies took over and (admittedly) they gave us a lot but also destroyed its magic. I hope with Steemit we can take some of that magic back again and share it with a lot more people in the future.

I share your sentiments @exyle. I remember the early days of the internet, before everything was monetized...even the early days of Facebook when they didn't make you pay for outreach on business pages. I had a really loyal readership (many of them turned into friends) before they made you pay dearly for post outreach.

I hope the big difference here with Steemit is we're dealing with crypto-currency. I can see numbers of crypto enthusiasts growing exponentially and a circular economy being created as more apps are created on top of the platform but think corporations will shy away because it's crypto, at least I hope so. I hope Steemit can retain its magic. Thanks for your comment!

I really enjoy your article @ericvancewalton! Its a very inspiring article!

I love you comment @exyle! I feel the same too.

I feel closer to Steemit than anything else on the internet since a long time.

Oh and I think crypto are bettering the way we interact with corporations but also the way we interact with each other.

Thanks, @teamsteem! @exyle nailed it with his comment. Crypto is one of the most exciting things I've ever been a part of, it's going to change world as we know it. Thanks for your comment!

Took the words right out of my keyboard with the Drafts and post later idea. I was going to mention that since I would like to create posts, set dates and time to be posted and then go computerless for bit. That is probably the most important thing in my list for now. Thanks @ericvancewalton

You're welcome @streetstyle. Thanks for reading the post and contributing to the discussion!

I wasn't even at Steemfest but feel such a deep appreciation for what we have here too!!! I give more time to this than I ever imagined and have very high hopes. Nice piece, it reinforces my positivity even more.

Thanks, @natureofbeing! I hope to see you at SteemFest 2!

yes, come hell or high water I'll be there


What is the common denominator of most everyone I met at SteemFest? All of us are frustrated with the status quo and we want to use our talents to change the world for the better. Our current world is controlled by corrupt gatekeepers whose sole purpose is to monopolize all they can and keep things exactly the way they are

Spot on. I think it applies to nearly everyone on Steemit and cryptocurrencies in general.

Thanks, @thecryptofiend. It certainly seems that way to me too.

Agreed. Whatever we class ourselves as we all seem to share these certain goals in mind:)

Great thoughts.
There are a lot of things that can be done building on Steemit. If I knew how work with the blockchain and build websites accordingly, I have 20 ideas. But I'm more of a content guy, so I have to try to find folks to work with. Recently I've jumped in with SteemStays to expand their project with them. I'd still like to pursue other things, if I can find any devs to collaborate.

There are lots of opportunities! I particularly like PeerHub and Busy.

Glad you enjoyed the trip. A little jealous I didn't get to go.

I'm sorry you couldn't join us! I hope you can make it next year.

I enjoyed every second of this social experience !

@mammasitta, a real highlight was meeting you at the end in the Volkshotel lobby after the final dinner.

Uncountable highlights indeed :) and I am truly glad to meet you in those last hours . I respect your talent, enjoy your art and humor in your stories so much. I hope to see you at SF2

I love the positivity and potential of the whole platform. It will only get stronger

I agree, @jpfrancis. I hardly spend any time on Facebook anymore.

Literally, i hope we can get to a point where this is this is the standard and platforms like FB are seen as relics

I think the public will start to realize this very soon.

I completely agree that this is our community and that we have the potential to shape the future. We can make a brighter future for everyone.

Absolutely, the first crypto-currency to create a circular economy around it will be the game-changer and I believe Steemit is positioned to do just that.

We as a community need to spread steemit out and get more people to try it while making sure to keep free speech a priority. I'm new to our community but I'm glad to be here and look forward to seeing it grow and develop into something much bigger than a social media platform

I agree. I believe spreading the word at a grassroots level is best. My wife and I were talking this morning about contacting PBS to pitch our story to them but I'm a little leery about main stream media and the element it would attract to the platform.

I would recommend trying to get into contact with a fairly known alternative media source. I don't know what all your views are but I would try Rebel Media or Breitbart