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RE: What Happened to the Dolphins?

in #steemit7 years ago

I was expecting spring and summer to be lower points than the rest of the year. I could just tell people could not wait to get outside of their homes and go on an adventure. I even took the opportunity to do a little bit of rebranding of myself and further focused on more of one kind of content over another.

This week, in particular, many are on vacation it seems. Even then they still are logging in to make quick updates. Share a photo or two and even more. When it comes to something like this people tend not go cold turkey for 2 weeks or months. They just reduce the number of hours they spend on the site. A lot less commenting and other stuff and just shorter life posts.

I have noticed a trend for a while now and it started before even spring. Someone would go missing for weeks or months on end. They would come back. I’d try and welcome them back (I understand life gets in the way and you got to do what you must.) They will make a post or two. Then a rant amount things not going as they imagined it would be. They disappear again and maybe come back a few more times. After a while, for some, I stop opening my arms wide to give them a welcome back hug.

Many times when someone goes missing for a while almost no one even notices. I try and somewhat be a caring person and leave them a comment. Sometimes someone is just struggling and really just needed that little push to get back into the swing of things. With many after posting for a year sometimes a few times a day they just ran out of ideas finally. That never too hard to fix I just have to point to some trend or content and they now have something to write about again. Other times I’ll just tell them to go out and comment for a few days. That best way to break any writer's block.

I tend to be the last comment on a few peoples old blogs. Many were like a friend to me after all. If I went missing I would hope someone would do the same. Having those kinds of people in your life here makes a big difference. Far too many try and go it alone.


Even in the few months I’ve been here I’ve seen a decrease. Hoping it’s just “summer”