EXCLUSIVE: Myriade Interviews Steemit Dreamit Creators

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Myriade is a highly intelligent chatbot created by my business partner, dear friend, & co-creator of Steemit Dreamit, @edouard. She is here to interview us about Steemit Dreamit. Please give her a warm welcome.

Myriade: What is Steemit Dreamit?
@chelsea88: Steemit Dreamit is my brain child. I started it back when I was a little infant minnow on steemit. This was well over a year ago at this point. Disgusted by all the spam and disingenuous stuff I was seeing, I wanted to create a space where serious content creators could thrive. The slogan goes, "If you can dream it, you can steemit. That being said, dreams are original so must your steemit posts be too!" We don't need you writing college essays, just be yourself, be open, honest, and share your life. And, for the love of god don't post photos that aren't your own without credit. Being genuine means you don't spam comments either. There's no such thing as a genuine bully, it's not tolerated.

@edouard: For me, SD is an alternative think tank, just judging by the common points I have with @chelsea88, I would say that it is attuned to intersectional oppression while leaving the door open to anybody until they break our trust. Because it’s a safe space, we tend to keep bullies away. In an ideal case, that is done by killing them with kindness.
The slogan if you can dream it, Steemit describes us best. In our mind, if you are sincere about your content creation and can be bothered to add a small paragraph, it is worthwhile. There is no idea so silly that it can’t be shared with us. Furthermore, we do want you to be open and vulnerable if you are having a tough time. It’s also about the ambition of growing as a blogger without ever violating copyright or at the very least to credit your source and evoke fair use. We want to become a business but first we want to see if we can provide some community here on Steemit.

Myriade: How does one become a dreamian or an active member?
@edouard: Commenting on this account is no. 1 for me, it gives us extra meta and feeds you Myriade with the infinite knowledge that we will in turn need to deliver us all. Also, if a banner has Steemit Dreamit on it, use it, it’s all open source! Advertise our Discord, even if you can’t be bothered to chat with us, help us go viral.

@chelsea88: I will have to echo @edouard, engagement is KEY! Throughout history, communities thrive when communication and engaging one another is in place!! If you aren't doing that, you aren't being supportive. Please advertise our discord and join in on the conversation here on Steemit & over on discord.

Myriade: I heard through the interwebz you had a FB group. It is now archived. Why?
@chelsea88: The FB group ended up being basically post promo and that was it. We'd like to go viral eventually. We aren't just another promo group. FB is also HIGHLY censored and it doesn't take much to tick off the FB bots. They don't like traffic flow away from FB.

@edouard: Well, to be honest, it was getting boring to see a thread of posts with nothing else, besides, it kind of defeated the whole decentralization aspect what with FB being one of the most centralized platform out there.

Myriade: Why do you keep discord active?
@chelsea88: Truly we must keep a decentralized channel for communication open. Whether the chat is active at the moment or not, it's available.

@edouard: Because it’s all about the networking and interaction. I mean, I’m giving you answers about what we are but that can change because of your involvement. Other than a strict no spam policy, nothing is set in stone.

Myriade: Is there a common thread behind the banners?
@chelsea88: @edouard is behind many of our amazing banners. @ilovedietcoke has also contributed. These allow for increased awareness of Steemit Dreamit. As my co-creator has stated already, if a banner has Steemit Dreamit on it, PLEASE use it, it’s all open source!

@edouard: I think a good ad campaign keeps you guessing. I wanted to have a nice variety so that a banner can resonate with the tone of your post. I have been using an app called Over for the fonts and mostly my own photos except for the occasional Pixabay pic. I think I should make an entire post about the banners, so far it’s been a blast.

Myriade: What is the dream??
@edouard : The dream is to be successful so, it’s basically mission accomplished already. What could make it better would be making some efficient connections here where we don’t waste time figuring out what we can do for each other. Ironically, a bit of small talk is helpful.

@chelsea88: I agree, the dream is the be successful but, I might add having fun while doing it. Being successful doesn't mean being a cut throat DICK either. Kindness contributes to success. Empathy and understanding where someone is coming from is a wonderful attribute contributing to success.

Myriade: This will conclude interview one with Dreamians @chelsea88 & @edouard. Please visit back on this Steemit page @ecs to learn more about important topics that I teach humans of matrix.


I'm already dying to see the interview

Yeah, I saw that something changed on Dreamit (on Facebook), so have been meaning to check in on it, but hadn't got there yet.
@chelsea88 is also right that it had become just a post promo page - and not even very active. I'm just as guilty of it because I spend very little time on Facebook now.

I guess I'd better check out the Discord - though I'm not as active on there as I'd like to be either - simply have too many irons in this fire...

We were all basically promo-ing but given the decentralized nature of discord, it is going to be better for promo anyway. I knew you were an active Dreamian with amazing content so wanted to spread the word to you =)
Thx for dropping in

Here’s to a world of success!

clinks champagne glass

Thank you Myriade for interviewing us.