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RE: Why Do We Bother To Create Content At All? Better To Abuse.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure what people are supposed to do here honestly. That placeholder one kills me though. Just the post that I counted amounts to at least half of my salary as a Special Education Teacher in California.

If I could do that a couple hundred time I would certainly speed up retirement out of my position. However, the abuse is so blatant that it makes me sick. I'm not sure I'd be able to show my face to my students again if I did something like that.

Although, I feel like using bots or having connections is needed, at least at the beginning. Otherwise, I feel like much of what gets put on to SteemIt gets swept into a deep abyss to never be seen again by anybody.


Retire a day early on me. Or like, 3 hours. Shit.

I'll take 3 hours gladly! That's almost half a work day not counting all the after hours I work!

However, thank you for bringing more light the problems here. I hope that this will bring some corrections here due to public awareness. I think it will but I believe it will be a slow, slow process.


A very relevant meme. I heart you.

imagine a public daily list of rewards and flags per user to double check if such things happen

There is a tool that helps you see some of this (I forget the link), but the fact is visibility is not the problem. Control of the "abuse" is.

" I hope that this will bring some corrections here due to public awareness. I think it will but I believe it will be a slow, slow process."

I hope your optimism proves to be warranted. Things seem to have only gotten worse in the last month...

lol @dzboston33 that was too funny. Not laughing at you though. Laughing with you. I am guessing you are from Massachusetts, based off of your steemit name. Yes its expensive living in Mass. I would be happy if I can even retire at 65 ;)

@mawit07 Haha. Nope. Last name, I live in Southern California though and it is quite expensive here! My wife and I, hope to retire before 65. Haha. But we will see!

Well anyway cool last name. California is not cheap either. Lets both hope our dream of retiring at 65 happens ;)

I wish I could give you a day, one day I'll be able to give you that day. Just you watch!

I'm sure you'll pay it forward at some point. I can't remember what your rep was a month ago, but I think it was lower than this! You must be doing something right.

I, in particular, appreciate your regular generosity.

Sorry for you reaching this <-> close state

This is not going to change (sadly) and will increase by the increase in SBD and steem values.

People are becoming even more daring with their abuse now. Place Holder, eh?

Shakes head!

Aww, thanks to your new avatar, I barely noticed you!

I'm glad to see you're still posting. Taking a month break and only tending to my comment backlog has done me good. I think I'll be posting again shortly.

I hope the drama has subsided.

Steemit is not about retiring early. It’s about truth and honest discussion. Let’s talk about something real. Or if you wanna talk about the flaws of steemit, let’s talk solutions.

If the masses are upset about the “fairness” of steemit, that’ll be resolved in due time via software updates. If not, you, I, or someone else will set up a competing site that solves the worries of the marketplace. Steemit will have to compete at the end of the day. There’s no way they’ll have any type of power or monopoly over the decentralized social media industry.

The first people that get into any crypto that takes off, like steemit has, get rich. So calm down, post good content, have thoughtful discussion, and carry on. If the fairness of payouts is a concern to you, rack your brain for a solution.

"Steemit is not about retiring early"

We'll take the authority of your 0 blog posts, 31 followers, and under 1k sp under due consideration when determining how much of an authority you are.

The more you figure things out, the less optimistic you will be.

" If not, you, I, or someone else will set up a competing site that solves the worries of the marketplace."

Oh, great, I guess my over 100K is perfectly fine at Steem then. Why am I even calling attention to the crippling disasters that are going to destroy this platform at all?

We'll just tell the investors, like myself, paying for these abusive rewards that it's "the freemarket (aka oligarchy enforced by insta-mined and flash-mined distribution, or the opposite of a free market)"


This is a sad but true vision these days unfortunately...

I can't tell if things are getting better, or worse. Loading the trending page has become painful.

You don't like the trending page lately?

First off, kudos to what you do for a living. I have a couple of friends who teach Special Ed. From what I hear, it's hard and frustrating at times, but rewarding. Somebody needs to make a difference in these kids lives!

Now regarding the bit about "using bots or having connections" to succeed at the onset... well... now that's the problem isn't it? The fundamental idea of Steemit's user curated content is terrific, but the inherent lack of centralization is also what's killing it. So the idea of "if you can't beat em'... join em'" comes to mind here. Anybody who's has a significant amount of Steem, as a rational economic player, should be expected to work in their self interest to succeed one the platform. And if the means are through self upvoting placeholder content or using a connection to a steem whale or using a voting bot... well, it's hard to discern if one methodology of success is more egregious than another. Arguments made that using connections or bots is just as artificial as self upvoting. So we're presented with a sad, but true, race to the bottom where people are forced to something people may deem "unethical" to succeed.

So going back to your first point, i regrettably agree with you. I'm also not sure what people are supposed to do on here. LOL. It's a strange moral dilemma mixed with economic incentive and lack of oversight which makes the Steemit situation "unique". Maybe in the grand scheme of things, it's just one large social experiment?

we need to have a public daily list of rewards and flags per user to double check if such things happen

This information is already visible via several tools, but alone it is of very little use. That's kinda my point - there is no will to fix the issue.

" the inherent lack of centralization is also what's killing it"

This is an ironic outcome for a crypto-based social media site.

Reddit is a propaganda tool now, but at least they have moderators.

There appears to be no good middle solution.

Look were i found him: Saying the price of 1 SBD is $11.33 he made $3882.057949.

Yeah, that sounds "about right." Ugh.

Completely agree with you. I am a football coach and I work with kids each day of the week. One month of my salary as a coach is approximately 70 SBD. Looking at posts like ones in the article is discouraging. At least for me.

It is, but at this point for us minnows there isn't much we can do. I have faith in the platform so I'll grind and invest a bit when I can and turn this into something awesome!

I'll try to do the same.

Using Steemit as a purely time-investment, rather than money, platform is a viable way for many of us to "keep a toe in."

I think the best solution may be to grind without investing your own money, beyond an acceptable amount to start. Don't overbuy like I did.

I feel the same.. I teach art and piano and gets around 52 SBD monthly (when it costs 11 usd). art is a thing I work hard on almost every day and Im so happy I can get some more reward for it here on steemit. last month I made more money here than at work.. in one way it is a big motivation.. on the other hand when I see what kind of posts or comments swallow the reward pool it makes me sick..

"last month I made more money here than at work.. in one way it is a big motivation.. on the other hand when I see what kind of posts or comments swallow the reward pool it makes me sick.."

It's a real rollercoaster, isn't it?

If the above is true, don't get discouraged. You're living the dream, almost, and may be able to do this almost full-time. Keep working at it.

It is for me, too. My day job used to make less in a month than those posters make in 20 clicks.

Glad you will be able to retire 3hrs early

Not sure about bid bots though. With people like "placeholder" and @icedrum who will bid a beating amount of SBD to win on the expense of everyone, I say it is better to hold on onto your job for another extra 3hrs and use the extra salary in something that could benefit you instead.


Well, placeholder as far as I can tell was not a bot just a whale upvoting himself like crazy.

This is correct. Two different forms of roughly the same problem.

", I say it is better to hold on onto your job for another extra 3hrs and use the extra salary in something that could benefit you instead."

Have to agree there. The bid-bot game is no longer recommended by yours truly.