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RE: 1-800-NET-RAPE (Save Net Neutrality! #OneMoreVote)

in #steemit7 years ago

Youtube, Facebook, Google, and Twitter already ARE F&cking a lot of Americans. These giants that are some of the biggest voices for what YOU and OTHERS are calling Net Neutrality are some of the most anti-free speech, and least neutral places on the planet.

You see labeling something "net neutrality" doesn't mean the label fits.

I believe most of us want TRUE net neutrality, but just giving something a title and playing on people's emotions doesn't make the label TRUE.

What we've had for net neutrality at various times so far was actually nothing of the sort.

Though politicians and propagandists really like latching onto emotionally charged labels that they can bash someone over "You mean you are against net neutrality?"

No. I am for TRUE net neutrality, and these BILLS are not that. Just look at the F&ckers backing this and how neutral they are.

"Deeds not words" - George Washington


At least we currently have the option to CHOOSE whether we use Facebook, Google, etc. I’d prefer that to being blocked from certain services just because I picked the wrong ISP or phone carrier.
