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RE: New website design for Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago

Great work. A lot of people will prefer the minimalist design, something like we have currently. But if there's a choice, I'm sure others would prefer the richer design that you have shown. Could we have both and be able to decide, turning one off and the other on for a while?


Great work @etherdesign - Dude! great you're STEEM :P ! - i would tend to agree @donkeypong with the minimal some also are preferring, but - there will be not just as a front end. So there is a lot of room for you ideas and design! Upvoted .. let's get in contact soon.

it would be nice to include a different design, depending on the speed of the Internet

Guys You do Know that is on a blockchain right? This proves you could just make use of another domain and display the content there...

yea, piston-web amazing work!

Yeah those are all really awesome!

(There is supposed to be stars but you can't really see them)

My fav. gif!

Looks great! And my article about an Olympian needing our help was in the concept design! Unfortunately that article didn't take off and catch the attention of the big hitters.

👍amazing design @etherdesign, looking elegant website... Great work

Your work looks amazing! I would love to be able to pick but when I am on my phone the most simple option will be very needed :D

It has nothing to do with the speed of the Internet, it has everything to do with the speed of reading. People who can sift through information quickly (a skill which can be honed by spending years on reddit) will prefer more text and fewer photos.

I think that new design is still very minimal when compared to most websites.

I love the aesthetics of the proposed design but the main reason why the current design works way better than the proposed one is this:

With current design you can scan the new posts much faster with your eyes.

The proposed design makes your eyes jump around the screen. The current designs requires minimal movements of your eyes to see the next title. Also the smaller thumbnails of the current design don't grab attention from the titles.

In information dense sites the design should always follow functionality - not the other way around.

nice comment))) lets go make simple version and add swith?

Hello @etherdesign, are you coding this interface for steemit or you are only designer? If latter do you know any coder building a new UI based on your design?
Awesome work by the way!

That is really amazing, doesn't it? I'd love to have such a design, cause, unfortunately here is a mess now..

well this will make im sure the 6 or was it 8 current trending posters all very happy im sure, While the mass of minnows will be washed up onto the beach of total anonymity . If the site was to turn over to this style of magazine estethique, clearly to the current of internet tech norms, there would need to be at least one window set up to house the present regime of real time in the now posting from whoever and wherever they might be, we must not i feel ,let the pipes of steem be allowed to be channeled to just the " lucky few " who for whatever reason, hopefully good , attract the attention of the bigger pipes of steem ; - ) no pun intended of course !! as this is certainly against and detrimental to the concept of this economy !! no ?

3/4's of the world has shitty internet and can't even run the site as it so good point. No point in polishing this ponzi scheme turd though.

I like the minimilist Theme! :)

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