Steem is over $2 again !!!
Hi Steemit
I couldnt believe my eyes when i checked coinmarketcap just now. Steem was up to over $2 again
I was down on my steemit investment as i bought at the almost $2 levels as other coins have gone up a lot especially bitcoin.
I am happy for people who are patient and HODLing steem when it was down are finally getting rewarded.
I am a long term holder
We are in this together. GO STEEM !!!!
Dropped a little now at USD 1.6 but in the other hand SBD is at USD 5.6 lol
Yes, wasn't long above $2, so needs to capture the moment in screenshot. lol, but it will go up again looking at the SBD so high
Got the alert message but now slightly dropped
yes most altcoins dropped today because of BTC going too strong, people jumping to BTC i guess
Congratulations @djohan
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thank you minnowspower
Friend now it's around $5.75 :O Great update you shared! Feeling awesome bro!
hi theguruasia, it seems quite volatile at the moment, might settle down soon hopefully still above $2
Yeah.. definitely @djohan. HODl better Also me think. Check your SBD price. Its increase over $6.5.
Yes. SBD was up first . Maybe people converting it to steem now
yeah right it good opportunity to all steemit user.nice post n best of luck.@djohan.
That was really a big thing for people who invested of HODLed for a long time.
Hopefully the steem value rise again soon with a sudden surge I have not doubt on that.😋
Keep HODLing Steemians 🍻
Lets go steem push harder we all are with you pushing behind.
Take a look at my recent funny post
I never sell my steem, just the SBD, but that too is bad move it seems. Should have HODLed SBD, i thought it was maintained at $1, didn't know it can be 6 dollars
I know the value of SBD fluctuates but I didn't know the value of SBD went to $6 and when?
These kind of surges urges you to keep HODLing but when there's no surge and you wait for a long time it's like you waiting for something that might never happen hehe! Because of that pain we don't HODL so much and then when it surges finally we all regret with bearing great psychological pain! 😂 It's a dangerous game to play appearently!
Go steem go...
love to read your post @djohan
keep in your mind
Thank you shagorshikder. Lets spread the good news around
yeah....always ...
just stay me with me....
thank you sir.........@djohan
i sold my all steem at very wrong time
yes mine too when it was around $1, it's now $10 actually if you sell it, the number in coinmarketcap sometimes not accurate
sbd too have gone way far than expected
Yes i thought it was always $1 , it's actually gained more than bitcoin, could be good for steem as there is a direct market to convert to steem
I seen while I was away from the computer, I had a buy order placed and luckily it got filled before it went up so Im feeling nice :)
it's good to know you are buying more steem. It's still cheap in BTC value though, hopefully gaining some more tomorrow
I have been buying and selling it :)