SERVILE - Steemit word of the day
Realizing that Steemit is an international platform with users possessing varying degrees of proficiency in the English language, I thought it would be helpful to the Steemit community to regularly highlight an English word that may prove useful and applicable to their Steemit experience. English is a very expressive language. According to the Oxford English Dictionary modern English utilizes 171,476 words. Today’s word, servile, is only one of them, but fret not, I will be posting many more useful words, so stay tuned logophiles and vebivores!

slavishly submissive or obsequious; fawning, as in: "servile flattery"
characteristic of, proper to, or customary for slaves
behavior common to hierarchical structures where those at the bottom
of the pyramid suck up those higher up on the pyramid for some real
or imagined benefit.
*or don't, I don't really care