A Hero's Struggle !!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


<>Teungku Chik di Tiro was born in Cumbok-Lamlo, Tiro, Aceh, in 1836 and died in Aneuk Galong, Aceh Besar, January 1891. He is a national hero from Aceh. One of his grandchildren is Hasan di Tiro, the founder and leader of the Free Aceh Movement.

Teungku Muhammad Saman is the son of Teungku Sheikh Ubaidillah. His mother was Siti Aisyah, daughter of Teungku Sheikh Abdussalam Muda Tiro. He was born in 1836, coinciding with 1251 Hijriah in Dayah Jrueng kenegerian Cumbok Lam Lo, Tiro, Pidie area, Aceh. He grew up in a strictly religious environment.
Teungku Chik di Tiro did not undergo formal education but religious reliance to the famous scholars at Tiro. That is why he was called as Tengku Cik Di Tiro.
When he performed the pilgrimage in Mecca, he deepened his religious knowledge. In addition, he did not forget to meet the Islamic leaders there, so he began to know about the struggle of these leaders in the fight against imperialism and colonialism.
In accordance with the teachings of religion that diyakininya, Muhammad Saman can sacrifice anything good property, position, and his life for the upholding of religion and nation. This belief is evidenced by real life, which later became known as the Sabil War. When Aceh Besar fell in the hands of the Dutch and Aceh's strength weakened, Tengku Cik Di Tiro appeared to lead the war..

Leading The Struggle

Tengku Cik Di Tiro is better known as the sabilya army. Because of the strength of the troops then in 1881 Dutch fort in Indrapura successfully captured, then fell also Lambaro fortress, Aneuk Galong, etc.. The Dutch continued to be pushed and survived in the fort in Banda Aceh.
Feeling overwhelmed by the attacks by the Acehnese leaders, the Dutch immediately brought reinforcements with massive war equipment. So in 1873 the Dutch began his revenge action by fighting Aceh, so that the kingdom becomes his territory.
In the first attack of troops from the Netherlands to do the action but can be defeated and victimized for the Dutch with the death of their leader Major General Kohler. This failure caused the Dutch to become angry, eventually they strengthened their troops with cannon fire from a warship anchored on the beach. Finally, this situation made Aceh begin to retreat.


The overwhelmed Dutchman eventually resorted to a "wicked tactic" by sending poisoned food by telling a woman to put poison into his diet. So he suffered illness and died in Aneuk Galong fort in January 1891.
His body was buried in Indrapura, Aceh. Although Tengku Cik Di Tiro has died, the Acehnese struggle against the Dutch continues. The war continued for many years, until finally the new Dutch control of Aceh in 1904 with the Short Plaque.

Persistence carried out by Tengku Cik Di Tiro in the defense of the Indonesian nation made the government of Indonesia appointed him as a Hero of Struggle of Independence on November 6, 1973 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 087 / TK / Year 1973.

This is one of the bloody fighters who want to defend their country





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yeahh...we have remembering our hero