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RE: Steemit Update [ June 21st, 2024 ] : Steemit Engagement Challenge - Applications Invited for Season 19

in #steemit9 months ago (edited)

Buenos dias equipo @steemitblog

Teaching Teams do not have to be ASSOCIATED with any particular community. Homework posts from students following each course do not need to be posted in a particular community and can instead be tracked through the use of appropriate tags

Tengo dudas con respecto a esta porción, ¿los profesores no deben tener rol de moderación o como administrador en alguna comunidad en particular? O ¿solo no deberían tener vinculo con las comunidades seleccionadas para el Reto de interacción?

De ante mano agradezco su respuesta ♥



Bien, dice que no tienen que estar asociados a una comunidad en particular, no que no "deben". Son dos cosas muy diferentes.

Creo que significa que cualquier usuario puede postularse sin estar formando parte de una comunidad como moderador. Y que si pertenece, pues no hay problema.

Es decir que los equipos pueden trabajar libremente sin depender de comunidades.

Luego esta la pregunta de como se postulan? Pues es sencillo si quieres postularte como profesor, debes asegurarte de que si eres moderador y tu comunidad se postula, allí si que no deberías postularte. Entonces, deberían decidir conversando con los administradores si los moderadores quieren postularse para profesores, ponerse de acuerdo que van a hacer. Es decir conversar internamente para dar oportunidad, o ponerse de acuerdo en no hacer postulaciones dobles: postularse como profesor y postularse con la comunidad para el Sec.

Excelente, ahora lo entendí con mayor claridad, gracias!!! ♥

giphy (1).gif

Ojala se pongan de acuerdo las comunidades para que puedan dar oportunidad a sus moderadores, a los que quieran postularse.🙂

Tambien pensé en eso, por la misma razón de que podrían haber pustulaciones dobles en el sentido que dijiste

Por mi parte estaría encanta de participar como profesora, pero aun no he pensado de que forma podrían ser temas de interés para todo el mundo

Ya por el area de salud puedes adquirir los conocimientos; pero hay habilidades que pienso serían idoneas para este tipo de cursos que quieren implementar (Habilidades que sean requiridas en los teletrabajos, marketing, SEO, informática, HTML, fotografía y muchas otras cosas más)

habilidades que serían muy interesantes para estudiar y luego sacar provecho de eso en un currículo vitae

Estoy ansiosa por ver como se desenvuelve esta temporada🤗🤗🥸

Claro, decir para "todo el mundo", es demasiado y es precisamente lo que le quita lo interesante. Pienso que hay cosas como el aprendizaje de excel, o de fotografía, que si bien no le interesa a "todo el mundo", si hay personas en Steemit, a quien podría interesarles.

En el Steemit del pasado, había este tipo de cursos, y tenían buena aceptación, aunque la participación no era masiva, sin embargo tenia una cantidad aceptable de participantes.

Pero has tocado un buen punto: la parte de las publicaciones masivas... eso es totalmente incompatible con lo que conocemos o entendemos por originalidad y calidad... En fin. Veamos como va esto 🙂

Yo voy detrás de un curso de SEO o de Excel (hoja de calculo de google) pero a profundidad 😂🚘 (un curso de community manager no estaría mal 🤔🤔)

I have doubts regarding this portion, shouldn't teachers have a role as a moderator or administrator in a particular community?

No, I am believing the want start a totally new project, I think this project has nothing to do with any community or its executive. It would be based on different team of expects. I believe steemblog would update us on new lectures and their tags, just has he has been doing.

I think the team are trying to encourage experts to start hosting lectures on steemit, making the platform not only where you share ideas but where you can learn innovative and awesome skills.

This would attract not only content creators but also it would attract individuals who are hungry for knowledge to the platform, I want to say kudos to the team for been innovative.

It would be just like other contest but the difference is that anyone can participate from any community on steemit, probably using specific tags to submit assignments.

Mi querido amigo... ¿Leíste bien la pregunta?

The specific question: Should the selected teachers not have a moderation role in any community or should they only have no link with the 3 selected communities?

This is the real question.

@steemcurator01, @steemitblog

😂 😂 yes I did

Thats what I am saying, it doesn't matter if your community was selected or not as long as you are qualified to join a teaching team, you are free apply for a teaching team.

Moreover how on earth would you know you are part of selected communities when they application for both engagement Communities and Teaching Teams are done at same time.

In summary an admin who is good at photography can apply for a teaching team as long as he/she is qualified, even if her community has been selected for engagement.

Note, just writing from my point of understanding. Thanks 👍🏼

😂 😂

From there, precisely from there, the question arises 😂 😂

When translating a text into another language, it often comes out incorrect, and it can be interpreted differently. It’s challenging for someone who is a moderator of a community and aspires to be a teacher to know if they qualify for the position. However, if selected:

  1. Will the teacher be able to rate posts in the community where the teacher is a moderator?

  2. Does the teacher have to give up the role of moderator if their community is selected for the SEC?

I hope that this time, the questions to be clarified are more specific.

Teaching Teams do not have to be associated with any particular community. Homework posts from students following each course do not need to be posted in a particular community and can instead be tracked through the use of appropriate tags.

When translating a text into another language, it often comes out incorrect, and it can be interpreted differently. It’s challenging for someone who is a moderator of a community and aspires to be a teacher to know if they qualify for the position. However, if selected

Yes that's true friend, that is really disturbing. Someone said I insulted her because her translator translated wrongly but thank God someone else told her to change her translator 😂😂.

Will the teacher be able to rate posts in the community where the teacher is a moderator?

😂 😂 😂, they team didn't force anyone to join a teaching team. While some are too busy other are less busy and that's why the required steempowers and reputation is low.

Does the teacher have to give up the role of moderator if their community is selected for the SEC?

Some people have the strength to do it moreover they are sec moderators that are steem Rep and still community curators. In my opinion it would be lovely to see people without much job on steemit take the position.

Note I am just talking based on my personal opinion.

In summary I wish everyone luck and success 🙏🏼

Sería interesante acudir a tus clases de HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Si te esfuerzas se que harás un gran trabajo para enseñarnos a todos lo que sabes!

don't be too mean to your students, friend.🌸🤗🤫🤗 te deseo lo mejor 🤞

If I get the opportunity, it would be a great honor having you as my student 😉

No friend I won't do such thing, I would pamper all my students but my assignments would be really practical 😂 and tough

Yes that's true friend, that is really disturbing. Someone said I insulted her because her translator translated wrongly but thank God someone else told her to change her translator


A Some people have the strength to do it moreover they are sec moderators that are steem Rep and still community curators. In my opinion it would be lovely to see people without much job on steemit take the position.

I agree with you, bro.

In summary I wish everyone luck and success 🙏🏼

Me too

Is very complex issue bro 😁😁

Is a very complex issue bro 😁😁