My Steemit Office

in #steemit7 years ago

In this series I am going to show you my setup up for steemit, and what I am doing to increase the impact that my account has, through Coordinating my efforts with the cycles of Steemit and streamlining my workflow. Today I am going to explore the cycles that exist on steemit, namely Voting activity of Steemit users and the rhythms involved there, as well as the aims for the Trending, Hot and New pages on Steemit. 

The rhythms on steemit can be divided like a canvas with a background, center, and foreground. The background is the overall rhythm of attention on steemit, the center is the rhythm of  your aims , and the foreground is the rhythm of your account. Paying attention to all three of these at once is a bit of an impossible task, unless of course you parse it down into manageable chunks. 

In the background, I am looking for indications of long term success. For now I have come up with these boundaries, based on a rough interpretation of the overall voting activity on steemit. From 10am to 8pm is when the most activity is on steemit, minus most of the outliers. Things start to peak at 5pm and then drops again as people make their way home from their daily commitments and activity peaks at 8pm again, until most people go to bed. You can find the graph  at steemreports. I will be reviewing this graph every week to look for drastic changes, and over time I will become more intimate with the implications the graph presents.

The center of this painting has to do with promotion and your public relations, I will be discussing this part tomorrow, so onward to the foreground.  The first thing you have to get a grip on is the voting activity of your audience. Which you can find on the steem activity dashboard. The next thing you have to consider is your current network graph, dividing your audience into groups, based on the content they create and the size of their accounts. This is done with steem reports votes graph. With this you can choose a customer service ratio, what becomes very important as time goes on is the attention you give to your core group of fans.


When beginning out the trending page is far out of your reach, It has to do with the value of a post based on its upvotes weight by they money backing it up. Your only chance of getting onto the trending page is if you impress a bunch of whales .While this may be out of your reach in the short term, your aim is on the trending page in the long term. To get here you have to gradually increase the average value of your audience, and mesh yourself into the networks that have the power you need to access this part of steemit.

It is worth mentioning that this is a general pattern that you can observe in most social settings, and you may also find that the 80/20 rule applies to these people. It is fairly difficult to get access to this echelon of people and it is quite tricky to find yourself in their graces, especially if they smell that intention in your interactions with them. 

If you read the post that I linked to, besides the potential controversy mentioned in it, you will see that there are only a few people that make it to the trending page consistently, and the goal is to court their attention. How you do it does matter, because there is a difference between deserving their attention and obtaining their attention with parlor tricks or other gimmicks. If you do manage to trick them, they will notice it afterwards and that will be a bridge burnt. - spamming, beginning, and otherwise brown nosing is the social media equivalent of that -  


The  hot page is only in your reach when you can start a fire with your content, because this has to do with upvotes, sort of upvotes per minute. Virality is a difficult thing to achieve, so yet again it is out of your reach when you first start out aiming for it, but with consistency you can build up the potential energy in your network to spark out into a resteem,upvote and comment fest. This has a lot to do with the quality of your content and how you command the attention of your audience. 

There are a few aspects of content that encourage virality, and to bring it down into a scope that we can manage. it is about getting your audience to resteem your content, and mention other people in the comment they leave. it also has to do with how compelling your content is; if it is interesting enough and it delivers on the value that you promise it will deliver on people will follow you. The only way to ensure this is to create good content frequently, and interact with the community. This overlaps with the center of the rhythm painting, just as the working with the trending page. It will be addressed in the next installment of this series  


The new page is like unto gold panning, where you are prospecting content that may rise out of the shadows of the steemit community and find its way into the brilliant light. There is not much I can tell you about here, it is grunt work and you could easily just join a curation trail rather than subject yourself to hours of scrolling and the occasional facepalm. The reason I mention it here is that it is the fastest cycle, and it  may actually be more like the primordial chaos of steemit. 

It may be of good use if you pull it into another feed, and then sort it in a similar manner as the hot and trending pages, this way you will have a higher chance of curating higher quality content. That is my two cents, and could be a side project I get into when I get to programming. 

To bring this all together and tie it into something useful. Be around steemit From 10am to 8pm, make sure to pay attention to what is happening at 5pm and 8pm. Make sure that you are paying attention to your core fans and tracking the changes that occur in your audience’s interaction with your content. Start participating in the prime networks that exist around your chosen niche. If you are into photography, make sure to follow the best photographers and start interacting with their content, join the spaces they hang out in on the web - like this discord servers - Build a relationship with these people, so that you can increase the exposure that your account gets and the impact that your audience has on your account. Focus on increasing your content production skills; learn how to write in a compelling way, that makes your content worth sharing and interacting with. This is the foundation of progress on steemit, and forms the hard factors that determine the strategy you choose. 

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Good hard work, what do you think will happen if we all have a private steemit office?

It is more about how you plan and execute your work here on steemit, I will be covering this in the follow up on this post

true, but in the future we also have a design to build a better steemit, hopefully we all be the best here.