Before Elon Musk found Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity he co-founded Paypal. He then used the money he received from Paypal to personally finance Tesla and his other businesses. According to his brother, Elon used to read all day as a child.
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How fucking retarded are you if you live on a planet that's perfect for life but want to live on a planet with no oxygen or life on it?
What happens when this life fucks up the perfect planet? Plan A die on earth or plan B move to Mars.
Damn thats a lot of hate. Please open your mind and learn to accept other peoples beliefs. As humans we have been dreaming of exploring space since our birth, why not let some people try and explore?
I don't think he's "fucking retarded". He has made electrical vehicles cool and is help saving the planet. Please understand I am not taking any shots at you. Just simply informing you.
Interesting post. Well done :)