Missing Markdown functionalities on Steemit: footnotes and MathJax (LaTeX)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Missing formatting features: footnotes and LaTeX

Markdown [2]makes simple formatting and editing of documents incredibly easy. It is especially useful for forums, blogs, etc., where authors often edit posts for when they find an improvement. Steemians know this, right?

Note the footnote[2] in first sentence. Though Steemit supports all Daring Fireball syntax, which is probably industry standard, I miss a few formatting functionalities that StackEdit offers. It is the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites. Two functionalities that come to mind are footnotes and MathJax display engine for mathematical notations in LaTeX format. StackEdit provides a broad set of Markdown functionalities.

I managed to insert footnotes (second example) with the below HTML code:

Note the **footnote**<a href="#footnote[2]"></a>.
<p id="footnote[2]">Footnotes are notes at the foot of the page</p>

But clicking on the footnote indices (two in this post)don't lead to the footnote. Nor can one come back to the document from note details. I'm not exactly sure if it's possible to use MathJax syntax with HTML. If anyone managed to use MathJax, please do share the process.

[1] According to Wikipedia, "Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. As the initial description of Markdown contained ambiguities and unanswered questions, many implementations and extensions of Markdown appeared over the years to answer these issues."

[2] Footnotes are notes at the foot of the page.


I'm having the same problem... :(

I'm missing that too, it could've been really useful for some post. I've been writing in markdown for a couple of years, I use MacDown on my laptop and was used to referencing this way, then I pasted here and it didn't work. It kinda sucks. I hope steemit addresses this in an update.

I'd like to do the same with MathJax - I use it in several tools that support MathJax including StackEdit and it's a pain that $$ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a} $$ doesn't turn into a beautiful equation.

I think it would actually help attract users from the scientific community to Steemit - a demographic we badly need here.

FYI there is some discussion of MathJax support (or equivalent packages) in this GitHub issue: https://github.com/steemit/condenser/issues/7

Unfortunately the issue was closed based on technical issues related to including MathJax JavaScript code in Steemit. Some of those are security related.