more than 230.000 steemit accounts / mehr als 230,000 steemit Accounts

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)
Today I added another statistic to my Python script. This shows the account growth per day. In this chart it can be seen that the maximum gain was already over 5500 users per day. That was on 2017-06-13. However, on the days before, there was only a very slight increase.
Heute habe ich mein Python Skript um eine weitere Statistik erweitert. In dieser wird der Accountzuwachs pro Tag dargestellt. In diesem Diagramm ist zu sehen, dass der maximale Zuwachs schon bei über 5500 User am Tag lag. Das war am 13.06.2017. Allerdings war an den Tagen davor nur ein sehr geringer Zuwachs.



gemeinsam schaffen wir es an die Spitze ;)

warum ? was habt ihr davon ?

cool, whe are growing and i like it!

Nice to see someone collecting stats like this! Keep it up, followed and voted!

Yep, that is great. And thisi is what i expect for the future of Steem and Steemit:

Fantastic, hope we all will make Mark worry about the future of his Facebook!
Let's do it.

Account booming

very cool. I am mesmirized by anything with Python. Have you seen the courses on Coursera, investing with Python, etc?..

Was für ein toller Artikel in zwei sprachen!