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RE: Why Every Writer and Blogger Should be Using Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Well said! I love how much great content is on Steemit. There's always something interesting and thought provoking waiting in my feed for me to read on the way to work. One of my life goals is to write my own novel someday, and I find Steemit an excellent way to practice my writing skills in preparation for that eventual undertaking.

Thanks for sharing your own writing on here. I wonder, have you ever considered publishing for Amazon Kindle? I think that's another excellent way to overcome traditional publishing barriers.


I agree so many gems to find on here! Steemit is amazing for new content and interesting content.

I can't recommend it enough, even if just for practice - and you should definitely write a novel, it's an amazing process to undertake especially on here.

I haven't looked into kindle yet or other platforms like it as I don't have a full and finished story to sell, that is another reason why I love steemit - I am posting my story as I write it and it's honestly the first draft.

But I agree this could be something worth looking into after I have completed my first novel, but I'll have a lot of editing and work to go until then - but anything to get out from under the thumb of publishers controlling your stories fate.

that is another reason why I love steemit - I am posting my story as I write it and it's honestly the first draft.

Very good point, with this kind of publish-in-pieces style you can get more immediate feedback and see if your story is resonating with readers. So you have a chance for course corrections if necessary and the final work will end up being that much more polished. I've seen a lot of authors sharing stories on Steemit this way, and it's something I haven't quite come across before in social media. Great to see Steemit being such a literary melting pot!

Thanks yeah I don't want to leave my writing carer up to a random stranger deciding they think it's marketable, this way I am able to show proof of a following when I eventually get things fully underway.

I also love the idea of having that instant feedback, with editors and publishers they tend to see the whole manuscript this way I can show smaller pieces and change my mind later when I do a second draft etc.

These days there are so many authors trying to get a foot hold in the market but all they are willing to share to acheive this is snippets of the story or a very brief over view - honestly I don't know how I would do that for my story, it is just too big and complex.

If I acheive some modicum of sucess I assume loyal readers would want a hard copy not just digital, and custom art - I think this is where long term monetary gain would occur, but this way I can start gathering readers now who will really be interested in the progress of the characters and the world.

Steemit has an amazing potential specifically for writers, artists and musicians, I believe that all of these industries are insanely hard to "break" into and I think that this is like the youtube for that - youtube is too big now and takes too long to become a big fish, steemit is the place to be now if you want to be a big player later when it really takes off!