in #steemit6 years ago (edited)
111.jpgFor the past 2 months I've been engaging with a number of people I've considered valuable and engaging. Mostly sharing similar values and passion towards blockchain, crypto, AI, economy or psychology.



Those were a really long and intense 2 months, but the good news is, I've managed to get to know so many interesting Steemians and I believe that we managed to build an "infrastructure" for a great community.

Many of you know me already long enough to understand my vision of strong and healthy community (build around passion towards crypto) and many were supporting my efforts tremendously.



(pic source: don't want to brag about myself and my achievements, simply because I didn't achieve anything on my own. After all there were so many people invovled in helping me reach my goals who I should thank.

So many of you decided to be part of this journey. So many of you put enourmous amount of time to engage with others and I can only be grateful to each one of you.

Results sometimes were mind-blowing. After all seeing your own publication with over 800 comments is simply impressive:



I'm impressed with level of engagement and support I've managed to receive. However it's unfortunatelly not easy task to read and reply to that many comments and also to support content of my most active followers. So recently I have been experiencing a feeling of burning out, caused by stress and being overworked and tired.

I came to a realization that it's time to slow down for a week or two. Catch a breath and enjoy life for a difference. After all Valentines day is coming so it is indeed a great time to focus on my little family.

I will still be replying to all comments but it may be a right time to slow down for a week or two so most likely I won't publish anything new for a while. But it does not mean that Im giving up on Steemit :) Not at all.



During my journey I've met number of fantastic people from different countries and cultures. And my efforts had been supported by few to whom I'm very grateful. I would not be able to achieve much without their constant support.

Those are sort of people we need on Steemit. People who are willing to "give" and delegate their own resources to beginners in hope that it will help our community grow:


So I need to ask each one of you to give me a favor. Nothing big really.

Visit those accounts and have a look at their published content. Perhaps you will find something that you would find interesting and valuable. If you do then show your own support by investing few minutes of your own time, to calmly read their latest post. And then reach out to those authors and drop valuable comment.

That's all really :)



I've been lately trying something new. Idea of my little venture is simple: let's try to bring some businesses to Steemit and see how can I encourage business owners to join Steemit. I had so far many failures and only few small successes. But that's how it is really. Learning curve is not easy.

One of those businesses which I'm supporting with all my heart is @blockshine represented by Daniel Bateman. He published lately new interview with Mr Seth Lim (CEO and founder of Soar Labs and Indonesia’s largest cryptocurrency exchange SoarEx). I found this video interesting and refreshing. And not long at all :)

So to those who are passionate about blockchain technology and would like to support companies trying to build their presence on Steemit, then visit @blockshine and check out their latest video:

Guys, keep in mind that ...
Our engagement is the best way we can bring more serious businesses into Steemit platform. Hope I can count on your support.




Dear Piotr, I will check them out, however I go straight forward to the most important message I am hearing:
Burnouts most likely happen to people with these trades:

  • High Engagement
  • Hugh Sense Of Duty

The lesson to every burnout is how can I set boundries, when do I have to say "No", how much can I give?
I once had a burnout and didn't know about these lessons which ended my engagement for over three years. Since I deem your engagement very valuable, please do us, do yourself the favor and take your time to answer all of these questions. If you should be in need of counsel I am here. I usually take money, however I feel like you already paid me with your engagement on this blockchain, so:


*This voucher includes whatever you wish for. I offer counsel, guided meditations & hypnosis, cosmological symbols for healing, Tarot Readings and much more. Feel free to ask!

Thank you for everything you did/do for this blockchain.

That's a really cool thing to do, kudos and best wishes to you fella :-)

wow what an amazing honor. congratulations

Thank you, @worldtraveller32! <3

Dear @mayb

Thank you for your amazing comment and I'm very sorry that it took me so long to read it and reply.

Since I deem your engagement very valuable, please do us, do yourself the favor and take your time to answer all of these questions

Those are very kind words :) Love to hear that you value my work here. Appreciate it a lot.

If you should be in need of counsel I am here. I usually take money, however I feel like you already paid me with your engagement on this blockchain, so:

oh wow. Is that what you do for living? Obviously I feel honoured to receive voucher from you.

How does this voucher works? Let's say that I would like to consult with you one particular topic: being a leader.

This is something that I found very interesting and I would love to learn from you more / brainstorm with you.

Don't worry about my burnout. I'm a former muay thai fighter. Half of my adult life I've spent in various countries accross Asia. Training and fighting. 4-5h a day, 6 times a week.

I experienced so many bournouts in my past ... and I've learned that short break every now and then + discipline is the only way that works for me. Discipline and persistance is the key :)


Dear Piotr,
I am very glad we're having this communication. I was never disappointed that it took you a while to answer this comment. I mean the whole comment is about taking your time, right?! ;)
I only felt a bit frustrated about the fact that some people are using your commitment and passion against you. I don't want to mention names anymore, I guess you got me.

So, if you really want to talk, I am totally open to it and I guess it would be a very nice time, however I don't want to give you the creepy feeling you would need to take this voucher. :D
You're not on discord, right?! Skype?

Have a wonderful rest!

Dear @mayb

Would you voucher be still valid next month? Im moving my entire life to europe within next several days and starting next week my life will become a real mess. Loads of running errands and generally I may have very little time for Steemit as well after this weekend.

I really don't want you to feel ignored, as I absolutely appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge. Just current timing is difficult for me.

Please advise

however I don't want to give you the creepy feeling you would need to take this voucher. :D

I never had that feeling :) ps. I'm on Discord but I'm just hardly using it (it consume to much time). We will figure out communication tool once the time comes, ok? :)


Love never expires. :)
I do not feel ignored or rejected. It's all good. Whenever, wherever. Where exactly do you move to if I may ask.

I already follow most of the people you have listed and agree they all have good work. Those I know of on your list post consistent content daily and have for as long as I have known them.

Steemit is not an easy place to succeed in and few can do so without keeping many balls in the air at all times. It's currently an inbred community and if you are not visibly active no one remembers your name.

I'm interested to see your strategies @crypto.piotr, and see if you continue them here. You are very unique in your use of this blockchain, so maybe you will start a trend.

I have had a few other steemers send me wallet transfers recently to get me to their posts. I have no idea if this is prompted by your example, but I am open to free money from all and always make a comment on any post I get sent that way. A certain segment of the people here do not like "wallet spam." I am in the opposite category and tell people to send me more :)

I'm in the engagement league of @abh12345 and every comment counts for that weekly contest. You may want to check that out when you get back as it drive a lot of the engagement here. everyone ranking in that league is all in for steem.

One another topic, you mentioned the idea of my writing a post inspired by @reverseacid on the subjects of women, crypto, and the "need to know." technical details about blockchain in order to get involved with it. I'm working on that now and will post in a few days probably. We'll soon see if anyone else is interested :)

I enjoyed reading your reply and the response to it.
I tend to agree with you about having to constantly make yourself visible or be forgotten; at least that is what seems to be happening to me since I stopped commenting on the posts of others and for the most part have been concentrating on making replies to my own post respondents. I just don't have the time to read all those posts made by others lately. The only reason I'm here is because of the invitation sent to my wallet, same as yours.

I fell off the truck a few months ago too. I have always been big on commenting widely and really saw a bad result when I stopped. I think if you do a post each time you get here, reply to your comments, and then comment on others for XXX time, this gives the best result. Then if you have more time, post again, answer replies again, and comment again.

If you only stay on your own posts, your audience dwindles - unless you are big and can do big comment upvotes.

I use steemnow to find current posts to comment on and also enter contests that take comments. This way I am not spinning my wheels searching for places to comment on. So if I enter a contest with a post, I will open a couple of the other entrants and usually can find something quickly that way.

If you only stay on your own posts, your audience dwindles

Yes, exactly! That's why I am agreeing with you. It's just that right now I need to decide which is more important: Earning a few cents for hours of work or doing something that has meaning? There are more important things in life than a few cents. If I saw that this platform was going in the direction Dan Larimer envisioned, I might be more inspired. Instead I see a few people that still hang onto that vision, but a lot more that are seeking only to grab as much as they can as fast as they can and to hell with the platform itself. That attitude is extremely disappointing and is probably what is holding the entire platform back. Instead of going forward, Steem is slipping in rank, despite it being a very good blockchain. They say that it only takes ONE bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of bad apples here. But I assume you already know that.


I ignore the bad apples as best I can and engage with the good guys. I do see a lot of positive developments in the last months and try to support those as best I can. The dapps I find promising, and the the current twitter campaign are the places I put most of my effort now.

We need new blood with money coming in here for sure. I look at @taskmaster4450 reports that show the rewards and stake being spread more broadly. It may be slow going, but it is happening. It remains to be seen if it will happen soon enough to keep this most excellent blockchain moving in the right direction.

You can most definitely earn more than a few cents for hours of work. but getting to that point takes a lot of focused effort.

I feel like commenting on good posts does have meaning. It encourages the people making them to keep trying. No one like to post to dead air. This is why I do it.

What constitutes a good post? It is very subjective. I spend a lot of time on my daily Zombie Adventure, but few people appreciate the effort. At least I enjoy hosting the games and rewarding my players for their participation. We have fun and that is important to me. I enjoy the interaction and get many good laughs from the comments. To me, that is my reward.

I do also enjoy meeting new people and having intelligent conversations with them, however, I need to curtail the amount of time I spend socializing so that I can do other things like maintain my household and cook and eat. As of late, I have not been getting any exercise and that is not good for my health. I should be taking even more time away from the computer to look after my own health because without health, there is nothing.

For me good posts are travel, art and food for the most part. Also I look at the winners in various contests so I can improve. I do not play games, so zombies would not be for me.

I hear you on the computer/life balance issues. I am an accountant and worked crazy hours for most of my life, so this is not much different. At least I do not have a commute :)

This platform seems to be geared to blogging-type posts, especially those geared to crypto-currencies and also to technology stuff. I find it quite amazing how many people have told me they don't have time to play my game, yet I find them heavily invested in the Steemmonsters game. My game is just too low-tech for them. At least you stated that you don't play games (which is far better than saying you don't have the time). I know many people that don't play games and I respect that. Not everyone wants to waste time playing games. In years gone by, I worked 3 jobs at once, while trying to raise my children, so I know what it means to be busy! I figure I have paid my dues and now it is time to stop and smell the roses once in a while. I deserve to take time out to play and have fun, because my days here on Earth are numbered. I need to enjoy the time I have left. If I can create or be part of something that leaves the world in a better way then I will feel accomplished. That is my intention for this platform. I have not given up on it yet. I'll stick around but just not put all my hopes and dreams into it. I'll watch and adjust my involvement as I see appropriate. I have planted a few seeds and am watching to see if they grow. It takes a community to make it happen and so far it doesn't look promising, but things can always change.

Are you retired from accounting now?

I feel you @happyme. It surely is discouraging to lose your engagement.

The truth is that sending memos seem to be currently the best way of letting people know about your publications. Just know your limits. Don't over do it with to many memos. And mostly keep somewhere list of all accounts that are engaging with you and focus on sending memos only to those people.

And most of all: try to make your posts encouraging for discussion. Most posts are strictly informative or full of strong opinions. It's hard to comment such a posts.

Yours, Piotr

Most posts are strictly informative or full of strong opinions. It's hard to comment such a posts.

That's true, except for others who may have strong opposing opinions; then you can get a good debate going. Although it does tend to discourage those who are too shy to challenge a strong opinion.

Not all posts need to have discussions though. If you have been watching my feed, you would have noticed that I post a weekly place to let others advertise their own posts. It could be considered our own little classified advertising section if enough people began using it as such. It needs to overcome that critical hump where enough people use it to make others want to also use it. Without reaching that hump, nobody wants to post there because there aren't enough OTHERS already there! How can one get over the hump if the few that try it drop off before others find it? If you and your followers all consistently advertised their posts there, that weekly page could potentially become a central place to advertise and we would be creating our own community right there! Unfortunately, it seems everyone wants to be the creator of their own communities and as such, nobody cares to assist anyone else in building anything.

This is true - it is much easier to join the efforts of others more established. All initiatives I have tried like this have failed. This is why I focus on supporting other people who are trying instead of trying to create my own thing to compete. The only time I have success is when I have comment contests and give sbi shares but that is a huge ton of work.

LOL... I'm totally shocked at the number of people that go for SBI. I really don't see what the attraction is. I would way rather have someone vote directly for me than buy me a share of SBI.

It is way past my bed-time, so I better get moving. Whatever part of the world you are in... I wish you a good day/night.

It's the middle of the day in Malaysia.

I am happy for all votes and after winning many shares, sbi is one of my top performers. They are not buying the share for you - they are buying it for both of you.

It's a concept called universal basic income. As an accountant, I am not too much in favor of the theory. As a steemer, I will take as many as I can get.

As a steemer, I will take as many as I can get.

LOL...Me too. I own 9 shares but they pay very little and just once per week. Of course when the value of Steem picks up, those shares will be able to produce a bit more.

Hi @fitinfun

I'm in the engagement league of @abh12345 and every comment counts for that weekly contest.

It's me again. Could you tell us more about this account? what they do etc?

One another topic, you mentioned the idea of my writing a post inspired by @reverseacid on the subjects of women, crypto, and the "need to know." technical details about blockchain in order to get involved with it. I'm working on that now and will post in a few days probably. We'll soon see if anyone else is interested :)

I would love to read it. Also I would gladly help you promote your post if you would like me to do so. Just let me know few days before your publication so I would allocate some time on weekend to boost traffic into your post.

ps. do you have telegram? you could find me on Crypto_piotr


no I am not on telegram.

You can just sign up for the league on the weekly post of @abh12345. Then you are in until you ask to leave and can track what your interact counts for based on his metrics.

He has two segments - one is about curation rewards - you would be a big fail there based on your voting pattern. The other is about interaction - posts, comments, replies etc. You might do well there, I do not know how active you are in commenting.

He publishes the ranks weekly in both leagues on one post. The people on those lists are driving a lot of interaction here imo. Few others on steem are likely to be that active without getting into the leagues to check themselves. The leagues are very well known.

I will let you know when I publish my post. I'm not too good on knowing how things will go in a few hours much less days :)

you would be a big fail there based on your voting pattern

Thank you @fitinfun :) You managed to put a huge smile on my face :)

Haha! You would come in last lol.


Enjoy taking a little time to step back. Resetting like that can be a good thing.

Dear Piotr, you already done a great work in these past months and of course you deserve a break.
You made the movement of a great community and i do not know why but 2 months ago i did not even hear about Venezuela troubles but now in all world news Venezuela is on watching and its president is nearly to be out from its crazy power to keep Venezuela people under its egemony in totally powerty.
You are doing great job my friend and i am proud to be your friend!

Dear @crypto.piotr, all the effort I have made has been worthwhile, the community has been strengthened and mutual collaboration is growing.

Certainly it has been a very demanding work done so far, you deserve to rest, think and return with new strength.

As far as I am concerned, I hope to be able to give back some of what you have received from you, and from your collaborators, that is why I try to attend and go to every call you make to support an account. You should know that whenever I am required by you I will try to support your projects.

Rest and come back soon because this must continue to grow.

Hey @crypto.piotr, thanks for the mention! It's the Lunar New Year and I have been busy as well. It's good to take a break and recharge. See you soon my friend!

Posted using Partiko Android

yep its hard to keep up the engagement when you get so many comments, burn out is easy. Look after your self. I dont know all the accounts you listed so I will go and take a look

Dear @paulag

Thank you for your previous comment. I will try to add you on Discord (I'm still learning how to use this tool).

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


thank you friend for this interesting message, I would like to be part of that commitment you have, I can consider myself a steemit worker on a daily basis, I am involved in the visual art and I have many very good friends in their presentations and very responsible, I would like to be aware of your projects and get involved, for me it would be great to be part of your great project, visual art has many advantages here in steemit, so many businesses can be achieved with the help of good artists involved in a project, greetings friend will be very pending and review the proposals of the friends you have as a reference,

Dear @betzaelcorvo

I'm very pleased to read your kind comment. Please accept my apology for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :)

I am involved in the visual art and I have many very good friends in their presentations and very responsible, I would like to be aware of your projects and get involved, for me it would be great to be part of your great project, visual art has many advantages here in steemit, so many businesses can be achieved with the help of good artists involved in a project

I will keep in mind that those are skills you're having :)

ps. God bless Venezuela.


Hello great friend @crypto.piotr,

We more than appreciate all your brilliant efforts towards building a great community on steemit. Your initiative has continue to help new steemains build connection and remain highly motivated on this platform.

My special thanks goes out to you and others who have continue to support your initiative @majes.tytyty @devann @tysler @crypto.hype @culgin @chbartist @danielfs @hatu @dynamicrypto @indigoocean @mariusfebruary @neavvy @shadowspub @sulev and @boxcarblue.

God bless and wishing everyone a happy valentine!

Best regards always,

@crypto.piotr has set 5.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

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