Today's Investment - STEEMIT!

Tickets on the Steemit train are 40% cheaper than yesterday!
Woah Steemers! Steem is down to 70 cents on the market!!! In this video, I cover my latest investment into, you guessed it, Steem. Get that Steem Power while it is cheap!
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Just subscribed to your YouTube channel. Just came across it. Good stuff. So I followed you on here. Steem on!!
unfortunaely spend all my money on the highest point
Thank you for sharing. What is your prediction or sentiment for let's say 3 to 6 months for steem ?
We have to consider that Steem could one day be a social fad, when that happens very likely it spikes very high, very fast once people understand it better and jump on the platform. I see Steemit sort of like facebook. I used facebook when it was new. It was a very boring platform used by very few people for the first several years... then all of a sudden everyone was on facebook.
Agree and good video. The pull back was inevitable but it's stabilized at a higher value then when the buying frenzy began. Great time to buy. Followed
buy, buy, buy

time to buy the tickets ! thanks for the video.
Warms my heart when I see people buying Steem ❤️
hi crypto :)
Not a bad deal. If people think bitcoin and other cryptos are expensive now, wait until something like the impeachment of Trump. Up Up and Away.
This is a great time to buy! :D
Me want buy :D